Back in early June of this year, I published a posting here on my general outlook on comments:
The Hesperado policy on comments for Dummies 101
An apposite extract from that posting I quote here as a gentle reminder:
"I've always found it odd when people can't see that a comments thread attached to the underside of a blog essay or article is a separate adjunct. It's a precious public space where, in my view, the utmost freedom possible should be allowed (with only extreme exceptions, such as death threats, publishing other people's private information, or egregious spamming).
"And, more importantly, it should be clear to anyone with minimum sense that, unless the blog owner explicitly states that the commenters are his publishing minions or that he agrees with them, public comments are just a random influx of people from the wider world of the World Wide Web drifting in and taking the opportunity to register their two cents."
"...public comments are just a random influx of people from the wider world of the World Wide Web drifting in and taking the opportunity to register their two cents."
Bullshit. "Egghead" is, by far, the most prolific commenter here. There's nothing "random" about it, and I don't see you engaging him/her on its anti-semitic rants, but you sure are willing to take up a conversation with "Egghead" when the subject comes to JWatch and the regulars there - or me.
You're full of shit, buddy.
The commenter above is the infamous "Philip Jihadski" who has, in his unhinged Anger (Mis-)Management, bullied other commenters on Jihad Watch so much and so egregiously, Robert Spencer's tech genius, "Marc", has had to scrub his comments. Aside from his anger issues, he seems peculiarly logic-challenged. A killer combination. He's also math-challenged, apparently. If a blog on the Internet that allows comments happens to have comments fields dominated by one commenter, that doesn't necessarily negate the randomness of the comments process. The only thing that would negate randomness in that context would be if two factors were in play: 1) the blog publisher and the dominant commenter in question were in collusion; and 2) that collusion entailed that the blow publisher restricted the rate of other commenters from commenting. There's no way I could prove I'm not in collusion with Egghead and that I'm not restricting comments to enable that collusion as reflected in a dominance of Egghead's comments. But then, there's no need for me to prove that to normal, sane, reasonable people -- unlike Philip Jihadski.
What we normal, sane and reasonable people who have some familiarity with the Internet know is that there are many factors that may combine to produce the effect of an Egghead-dominated comments field situation at my blog:
1) Many people read blogs, but don't comment -- for a variety of reasons: laziness, shyness, don't feel they can offer anything worthwhile, don't have the time; etc.
2) Some people like to comment a lot -- as Egghead does, evidently. Also, an important factor about people like Egghead is that she has been censored by other blogs (e.g., Gates of Vienna); and people who have been censored from commenting and who like to comment, will only have their appetite for commenting whetted all the more -- and when they encounter a blog that's relevant to their interests that practices a principle of utmost freedom from censorship (as I do), it's natural they would glom onto that blog and post lots of comments.
3) It's a given that my blog is a tiny space in the vast ocean of the World Wide Web, and that, as a Civilian in the Counter-Jihad without all the book-publishing and speech-touring and discussion-panel & seminar-attending promotional glamour of a Robert Spencer, my blog would be a tiny nook tucked away out of the limelight. Once again, Philip Jihadski's logic-impaired obtuseness enters in, whereby he equates being out of the limelight with low quality, as though the one necessarily means the other. The only thing that would demonstrate my alleged low quality would be detailed, reasoned counter-argumets to my various postings over the years -- something that Philip Jihadski is likely unable to deliver adn always will be unable, unless he gets a brain transplant. At any rate, I kind of like being tucked out of the way. Of course, I'd like it if my blog and my arguments were more well-known. Be that as it may, no one can prove that there are not many more readers silently reading my blog (an indication of this occurs every now and then when a commenter out of nowhere pops up to say he or she has discovered and is following my blog, either in comments fields here or by email).
Why is it that 1) Jews are 'allowed' and even 'encouraged' to believe that Christians have been and are still trying to genocide Jews, and 2) Jews are 'allowed' and 'encouraged' to call Christians and non-Jews to be anti-Semitic at the drop of a hat (even though many Muslims who would genocide Jews are Arab Semites)?
While at the same time....
Why is it that 1) Christians are 'disallowed' and 'forbidden' to believe that Jews have been and are still trying to genocide Christians, and 2) Christians are 'disallowed' and 'forbidden' to call Jews and non-Christians to be anti-Christian at the drop of a hat (even though many Jews have openly stated their objectives to achieve goals that will lead to Christian genocide)?
"There's no way I could prove I'm not in collusion with Egghead and that I'm not restricting comments to enable that collusion as reflected in a dominance of Egghead's comments. But then, there's no need for me to prove that to normal, sane, reasonable people -- unlike Philip Jihadski."
"Be that as it may, no one can prove that there are not many more readers silently reading my blog (an indication of this occurs every now and then when a commenter out of nowhere pops up to say he or she has discovered and is following my blog, either in comments fields here or by email)."
My God, you are stupid. Pretending to be oh-so-smart, when all you have is a Bachelor's degree. I have a Doctorate, dummy - and I have learned a lot about logic - in this case, you are tossing out the classic duo..."It is nearly impossible to prove a negative", "But I want you to trust me, that I have proven a negative, despite no comments from anybody but, "Egghead".
You truly are a nutcase, Bob, and you keep telling that lie, that Marc "had to scrub my comments". It's a lie, and I've said it before on your lousy site and recently at JWatch. I ASKED THEM TO SCRUB MY COMMENTS, and Spencer kindly agreed to do so, so as to protect me in my dealings in the Middle East.
Now stop your lying. You cannot prove what you say, and so stop it! You're a liar, a punk and a lousy reasoner.
Oh - and by the way - it's very satisfying that I still seem to be living rent-free in your head. I get under your skin, don't I, Donkey?
It pleases me to no end to know that when you go to bed at night, you are fuming and are pissed-off at yourself for allowing me to crawl right under your skin and up into your brain.
Me? I sleep nicely. Go to work. Do things. Teach. Make money. Travel. Build farms and such...while you?
What the fuck do you do, Bobby, except write endless, boring, irrelevant pseudo-essays (which no one reads, including myself) on an obscure, unread and irrelevant blog.
Get a real job, dummy. And stay off JWatch - I'm keeping and eye out for you there, just in case you try to sneak back in, as you have four times before, when you were banned.
If someone had the time, they could study the commentary of people like "Anonymous" (aka "Philip Jihadski") above to produce a primer demonstrating garden-variety logical fallacies (including perhaps the most basic and amusing: projection). He would provide endless content for such a primer, once you get him going (and it doesn't take much) by pushing his obvious buttons. I'll leave that to someone else who has more time. I'd rather eat glass in a dark room.
Last night, I 'published' the comment below at 9:17pm, and censors removed the comment by this morning.
And, in other news, whispers of migrant deportation by Charlie Elphicke, Conservative MP for Dover:
'[Non-genuine refugees] ... must be sent home - and swiftly.'
Jack ass demands of others but not same demands of him self.
The only thing that would demonstrate my alleged low quality would be detailed, reasoned counter-argumets to my various postings over the years
If someone had the time, they could study the commentary of people like "Anonymous" (aka "Philip Jihadski") above to produce a primer demonstrating garden-variety logical fallacies (including perhaps the most basic and amusing: projection). I'll leave that to someone else who has more time.
Jack ass demands anonimous to proff detailed, reasoned counter-argumets over the years but wants other person to do same for anominous coments.
I can prove this low quality blog. Anonimous said he asked peoples in jWatch to erase his coments. Jack ass gives no proves to the opposite and says they where erase because of some think else. Where's the profs? its lie.
Wow, David Horowitz (wink!), you seem to have a split personality - one with a foreign accent! Yeesh! You get weirder and weirder....
Max Oxlong is comparing apples and oranges. Since Max Oxlong (under his other monikers "Anonymous" and "Joe Blow" and "Philip Jihadski") never present actual arguments but only turgid wads of hostile tissue, one can't present a counter-argument. I on the other hand have detailed arguments in numerous essays to which he hasn't yet presented any counter-argument. I'm still waiting (but won't hold my breath...)
More proffs this low quality log! Who is Max Oxlong? No Max Oxlong. Mike Oxlong. Learn two read. And more proffs this low quality blog. Egghead says i is David Horowitz and jack ass says i is "Anonymous" and "Joe Blow" and "Philip Jihadski". I is not David Horowitz "Anonymous" and "Joe Blow" and "Philip Jihadski". Were is the proffs? No proffs! Just lies.
Jack ass writes Max Oxlong is comparing apples and oranges. Why? Were is the explaination? Only explanation demanded when anonimous says some things. When Jack ass says some things he gives no explanation.
Max Oxlong has suddenly become afflicted with poor grammar, syntax, and spelling; perhaps in an attempt to bolster his claim that he is not Anonymous/Joe Blow/Philip JIhadski. (It amusingly fails if that was the intent, because one can easily compare it with his previous comments that have no such language afflictions.)
The telltale indication that he is Anonymous/Joe Blow/Philip JIhadski, however, is in his addressing me as "Jackass" (which Philip Jihadski did about 100 tines over the years in various Jihad Watch comments -- and nobody else has ever addressed me as that in any discussion forum or comments section on the Internet in 15 years) coupled with his strange species of intense hostility brimming over with unhinged fury, and his infirm argumentation riddled with logical fallacies -- also typical traits of Anonymous/Joe Blow/Philip Jihadski. These three qualities, in turn, make it reasonable to suspect some sort of trolling behavior going on; or, at best, a mentality so impaired one cannot proceed with rational discussion. Until he ceases to indulge those three qualities, it is reasonable and understandable for me to withhold any intellectual engagement with any arguments that may be present in any one or more of his comments here, suffering like wounded animals in the middle of his turgid hatred.
Who is Max Oxlong? No Max. Mike Oxlong. Jack ass writes name wong in purpose? Or is Jack ass retraded and no can write Mike Oxlong?
I is no Anonymous/Joe Blow/Philip JIhadski. I is Mike Oxlong. Jack ass lier. More proffs this low quality blog.
I gets it. Jack ass write Max Oxlong in turn of Mike Oxlong to create smoke veil. I compare Jack ass demands of others but not same demands of him self. Jack ass wristponse is wrote my name wrong end claiming I is Anonymous/Joe Blow/Philip JIhadski. To sent aatention way the other side. Bed Jack ass.
Jack ass and Egghead crasy peoples. Egghead write I is David Horowitz. Jack ass writes I is Anonymous/Joe Blow/Philip JIhadski. I no one of them. You say yes you has to proves it.
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