Sunday, March 30, 2014

Albert Camus, Elegiac Swansong

Many years ago I picked up a collection of essays Albert Camus (1913-1960) had published in 1954 under the title L'Été (Summer).  All are good and worth reading, but the only ones that really grabbed me by the nous were two:  Retour à Tipasa (Return to Tipasa), recounting his reminiscences on visiting the ruins of Tipasa in his homeland, French Algeria in "White Africa" (l'Afrique Blanche)—i.e., in one of the parts of Africa which the white West had taken great pains, labor and love (though not always optimal intelligence) to try to help and heal from the ravages of Islamic conquest and occupation and from innate cultural backwardness—and  La mer au plus près (The Sea Up Close).

It was this latter one that struck me at the time as an extraordinary meditation.  On rereading it recently, it still strikes me that way.  Much of the essay seems to transition unexpectedly yet organically into a rambling prose-poem tenuously connected to its theme—whatever that theme is supposed to be, exactly; and one long moment past midway seems to lurch into a strange rant about his aversion to the new global transportation of his era, the jet plane.  Even in this unexpected digression, Camus treats the reader to an evocation oddly and acutely apt as he seems to recount perhaps a prior trip by air (over the South American continent) as a barbaric contrast to his divine transport in the ongoing present asea of his narrative:

... aux fleuves noirs du Venezuela, atterrissait, hurlait encore, tremblait de convoitise devant de nouveaux espaces vides à dévorer et avec tout cela ne cessait jamais de ne pas avancer ou du moins de ne le faire qu'avec une lenteur convulsée, obstinée, une énergie hagarde et fixe, intoxiquée. Je mourais alors dans ma cellule métallique, je rêvais de carnages, d'orgies. Sans espace, point d'innocence ni de liberté ! La prison pour qui ne peut respirer est mort ou folie ; qu'y faire sinon tuer et posséder ? Aujourd'hui, au contraire, je suis gorgé de souffles, toutes nos ailes claquent dans l'air bleu, je vais crier de vitesse, nous jetons à l'eau nos sextants et nos boussoles.

"... over the black rivers of Venezuela, the plane terrorizes the terrain, roaring relentlessly through the air, trembles in avarice, determined, gripped with a haggard and obsessive energy, intoxicated.  I died then in my little metallic cell in the air, dreaming of carnages, of orgies.  No space, no innocence, nor freedom!  A prison where you can't breathe is death or folly; what can be done there except to kill and seize?  But today, on the contrary, I am suffused with breezes, all our wings flap in the blue air, where I cry out with life, and so let us jettison our sextants and compasses to the waves."

Between the lines there, and in keeping with the rest of this marvel of a tale that may or may not be a report, one is permitted the license to venture, and to say he refers to the contrast between the rigidly lifeless directionality of the plane, which tries to master the earth, on the one hand, and the wide open compasslessness of the sea conducive, alternately rocking gently and careening dangerously, to that deeper destination, the famous "circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere".

And speaking of rocking and rolling amidship, and the apposition of sea and sky, Camus at one point executes a wonderful reversal of orientation one could say channels Archimedes and Copernicus, by way of Nicolas of Cusa, when he describes one night on the open sea:

La curieuse lune australe, un peu rognée, nous accompagne plusieurs nuits, puis glisse rapidement du ciel jusque dans l'eau qui l'avale. Il reste la croix du sud, les étoiles rares, l'air poreux. Au même moment, le vent tombe tout à fait. Le ciel roule et tangue au-dessus de nos mâts immobiles. Moteur coupé, voilure en panne, nous sifflons dans la nuit chaude pendant que l'eau cogne amicalement nos flancs...

"The curious southern moon, somewhat waning, follows us many nights, then glides swiftly from the heaven down to the water which swallows it, leaving the Southern Cross, the rarified stars, the porous air.  At that moment, the wind died down suddenly.  The sky tipped and rolled above our immobile masts.  The motor cut, the sails spread out, we respired the humid night while the waters lapped our sides amicably..."

From there, as the reader tries to relax into the unaccustomed rhythms of the text, it dawns on him that one has to settle in for the trip:  a deeper exploration and broader sublimation of matters more philosophical, mythopoetic and, ultimately, mystical.

The ostensible theme is some kind of sea voyage, apparently global, with some sort of lodestone centered in South America.  One almost gets the sense of a periplus from ocean to ocean—from the Pacific to the Atlantic (or is it the other way around?), with the Americas just a stop along the way, and no real earthly destination.  Nor does the journey begin anywhere discernible; though elusive mention is made of the ancient mariner's bourn of Gibraltar:

Nous passons les portes d'Hercule, la pointe où mourut Antée. Au delà, l'Océan est partout...

"Let us pass the Pillars of Hercules, the spot where Antaeus died.  Beyond that, the ocean is everywhere..."

But the sentence immediately debouches and flows out to a vastly indeterminate (and lovely) ocean of figuration clearly indicating that Camus is waxing on a different plane than the one the customary prosaic essayist may prepare his reader for:

... nous doublons d'un seul bord Horn et Bonne Espérance, les méridiens épousent les latitudes, le Pacifique boit l'Atlantique. Aussitôt le cap sur Vancouver, nous fonçons lentement vers les mers du Sud. À quelques encablures, Pâques, la Désolation et les Hébrides défilent en convoi devant nous. 

"... let us round in a single bound Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope, the meridians push back the latitudes, the Pacific swallows the Atlantic.  Suddenly, there's the cape of Vancouver, and now let us sink down slowly to the waters of the South.  After some nautical miles, the Eastern Islands, the Desolation of the Hebrides unravel in a series before us."

In a way, the reader almost feels as though it begins in the middle—precisely the point, as Dante's amazing journey to Hell and Heaven in order to gain better bearings of his place on Earth, began in the middle of his life, in the middle of a wild wood.  And, as philosopher Eric Voegelin reminded us, writing at the end of his life in his last work (published posthumously, and much of it dictated from his deathbed), In Search of Order, chapter one, "The Beginning of the Beginning", part one ("Where Does the Beginning Begin?"):

... the story has no beginning before it has come to its end.  What then comes first: the beginning or the end?

Neither the end nor the beginning comes first.

And yet, as T.S. Eliot wrote in his poem Four Quartets:

What we call the beginning is often the end
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.

. . .

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, unremembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.

As the circumnavigation Camus is recounting—strangely, elliptically, with flashes and splashes of vividly evocative yet elusive poetry—draws to its narrative close, it seems he has crossed the Atlantic eastward, apparently back to where he started from, the Gibraltar Straits where the great Hercules wrested and bested the giant Antaeus, the mouth of the Mother of all Seas, the Mediterranean, raped and despoiled by centuries of Islamic raids, conquests, and piracy, the mouth or motherly opening whence he first began his journey out to the wide world.

Earlier I noted that this Camusian voyage had "no earthly destination", and one may almost mean that literally, in that the deeper destination, or destiny, he is sounding here is not earth, but the sea itself, whose mystical quality he rhapsodizes in terms mythic and, as an open-minded atheist, open to the divine as translucently maritime.

Voegelin had great respect for Camus, and noted from a study of his journal or notebooks—the Carnets—that Camus was blessed with what Henri Bergson called l'âme ouverte (i.e., an open mind), enough to see theophanies in the sea, the sky, and sun, particularly of his homeland (or homesea), the Mediterranean.  Underpinning this was a predisposition moving Camus to something beyond the limitations imposed by both the theism and the atheism of the 20th century.  In his collection of essays titled Anamnesis, Voegelin wrote of Camus and his recovery of reality amid the deformity of modernity:

The "madness" of the time is no home for man; he must choose the home in which he, living, will again create a home in time.  Camus chooses the myth: "The world where I feel most at ease: the Greek myth."

Voegelin goes on at length to palpate the significance of this:

The vision of healing: Rebellion has attained its meridian of thought men refuse to be gods and thus relinquish the unlimited power to inflict death. The new rule of ethics, the sole “original rule of life today”: “to learn to live and to die and, in order to be a man, to refuse to be a god.” 

In other words, the murder of God, the preoccupation of the European intellectual from the Marquis de Sade to Hegel and Nietzsche, and which logically led to the murder of man, is reversed. 

A contemporary note in the Carnets makes clear that Camus’s self-analysis had already gone beyond the formulations of The Rebel: “Not morality but fulfillment. And there is no fulfillment other than that of love, meaning the renunciation of self and dying to the world. Going on to the end. Disappear. To dissolve oneself in love. It will be the power of love which then creates, rather than myself. To lose oneself. To dismember oneself. To deny oneself in the fulfillment and the passion of truth.” 

It seems to have been more difficult, although understandable for everyone who knows the milieu of intellectual terror, to have courage for the theoretical consequences of the new insight from love. I quote a touching remark from The Rebel: 

“The analysis of rebellion leads at least to a suspicion that there is a human nature, as the Greeks thought, and contrary to the postulates of modern thought.” 

If one does not take “human nature” in this sentence to mean that kind of information that textbooks on philosophy always offer, but rather take it to mean active life, ordered by the loving tension of existence to the divine ground, in which tension the autonomous self dissolves itself, one would not miss the direction of the progressus. It is remarkable how young people understand Camus, taking him as model and guide in the analysis of existence that today is the burden of everybody who, resisting the time, seeks to regain his reality as man. At more than one American university, I could observe that the imitation of Camus’s meditation has become, for numerous students, the method of catharsis. In this way they rid themselves of the intellectual pressure of either the leftist ideologues or the neo-Thomists or existentialist theologians, according to their respective milieu. The great effect of Camus’s work seems to stem from his inexorability in the endeavor for purity as he divests himself of ersatz realities.

The sea in this meditation Camus wrote seemed to offer a mercy beyond the limits of this world, yet fully of this world—a tension Voegelin would not disapprove of:

L'espace et le silence pèsent d'un seul poids sur le coeur. Un brusque amour, une grande oeuvre, un acte décisif, une pensée qui transfigure, à certains moments donnent la même intolérable anxiété, doublée d'un attrait irrésistible. Délicieuse angoisse d'être, proximité exquise d'un danger dont nous ne connaissons pas le nom, vivre, alors, est-ce courir à sa perte? À nouveau, sans répit, courons à notre perte.

"The space and silence press with one weight upon the heart. A harsh love, a great labor, a decisive act, a thought which transfigures, at certain moments evoke the same unbearable anxiety, bound up with an irresistible attraction. Delicious anguish of being, exquisite danger up close whose name we do not know, to live, then, is this to run to our ruin?  Anew, without hesitation, let us run to our ruin."

But this home was no fixed home on land; the Ground of Being is not the matter of natural terra firma, nor the patria of a political homeland—though the nostalgic memory of his childhood Algeria, in the ruins of Tipasa where he heard the ghosts of the ancients the night he revisited them later in life, may be a beacon indicating the way to a higher, deeper allegiance beyond this world. This home was out on the deep, where in the uncertain fluidity of the swells and tides, Camus had the epiphany of a kind of transcendent security amid no certain solidity... where his openness to the gods of myth, through the experience and symbolization of the theophanic presence in oceanic being, led him to a place of confluence between the pagan Socratic "practice of dying" (Plato's definition of philosophy) and the transcendent Life through death in the Basileia ("kingship" or spiritual "royalty") that is not of this world (Jesus).

Whether or not Camus explicitly knew how early Graeco-Roman Christians in the Patristic era typologized Christ's saving crucifixion as a kind of Homer's Odysseus tied to the crossbeams of his ship's mast as he weathered one end of the Middle Sea to the other, Mediator between Greek and Roman, then Roman and Christian; he knew this in a deeper sense, and enacted it in this essay.

Whose last sentence sings an elegiac swansong that may take some of the bitter sting out of his untimely death in a speeding sports car in 1960, to render it bittersweet and tangy with saltspray:

J'ai toujours eu l'impression de vivre en haute mer, menacé, au coeur d'un bonheur royal.

"I have always had the sense of living on the high seas, menaced, yet at the heart of a royal blessedness."


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Push the wake-up-call-button

About an all-too common Westerner—a Christian minister who believes in Kumbaya dialogues with Muslims—a Jihad Watch reader recently commented:

“Too bad the Ms. Reverend is such a Christian coward in refusing to admit the truth or to seek truth.”

Ah, yes: timidity—one of Hugh Fitzgerald’s Esdrujula Elves. Others he used to try to explain why so many Westerners persist in defending Islam (in one way or another) were Cupidity and Stupidity. But as I analyzed long ago, this explanation does not suffice, even when one combines one’s idiotic -Idities.

What’s missing when one insists on having recourse to the Elves and bracketing out any other explanation is a positive explanation of ideological sincerity. Many, of course, then may think they are solving this analytical problem by recourse to “those damned Lefty Elites”, but that explanation is strangely insufficient by now, when there are obviously so many non-Leftists who go out of their way to defend Muslims in one way or another .

I don’t have a full analytical answer, but at least, like Florence Nightingale—who, upon being sent to the Crimean War theater to manage the field hospital there took a look and said, “I don’t know how to manage a hospital, but I do know this is not how to manage a hospital”—I know where not to begin (much less where not to roll down the hill to a certain conclusion).

The analytical answer that seems most likely would begin by the observation that non-Leftists who go out of their way to defend Muslims abound throughout the West. It would then proceed by noticing that one cannot accuse them all—nor even most—of cowardice (Timidity), greed (Cupidity), or ignorance (Stupidity)—since, for one thing, they profess ideological sincerity, and we have no reason to suppose that profession is not genuine.  Indeed, it certainly seems to be central to their motivation.

One then is left with the distinct possibility that some ideology is afoot. One does not, however, want to go careering down the road of reductively demonizing that ideology as some dastardly Leftism consanguineous (if not synonymous) with “Gramscian” and/or “cultural” Marxism.

And so, the final ingredient one must set out to consider is the noticeable fact that so many of these Westerners who persist in their myopia about Islam seem genuinely sincere in their concern to be doing the right thing, on the side of the moral angels of decency and civilization.  This, in turn, as we continue to ponder the problem, we recognize as attitudes flowing out from virtues derived from the West's Judaeo-Christian and Graeco-Roman heritage -- which include concern and curiosity about the Other; self-criticism, the sanctity of the individual, and a progress out of tribalism into universalism.  Somehow, these virtues as they have flourished in growth took a wrong turn sideways, and grew stronger as they waxed out of joint.  How can they have gotten this so wrong, in joining this ethical sincerity at the hip to to one of the most hateful, intolerant and anti-liberal belief systems on the planet today?  Again, we must like Sherlock Holmes rule out the impossible—that such modern Westerners (who, we recall, are dominant and mainstream throughout the West) are merely afraid, merely greedy, merely stupid—or are dastardly malignant Leftists.  We rather must factor in at face value that ethical sincerity, as we begin to piece together and form a more coherent and plausible construct to help our healing analysis as we try to nurse our West back to health.

I have devoted countless hours of my time over the years writing and posting numerous lengthy and detailed attempts at such an analytical construction, here at The Hesperado.  A long, but still incomplete, list of my essays in this regard may be had here.

One is now ready to begin to build a proper explanation for this most exigent and massive—if infuriating—problem, of the West stubbornly (if not at times cheerfully) maintaining its elaborate myopia about the problem of Islam.  We must be patient, and keep pushing our call-button for the wake-up call of our fellow nurses heedless of the call, Physician, heal thyself.  But it does no good, if that button is malfunctioning or flawed in its design.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Well, it's been another quiet week in Lake Mobegone...

I should sue the Caliphate for all the uncompensated time and trouble I've spent on the problem of Islam.  Anywho, here is this week's sordid log of all the mayhem, misery and malignancy caused by Muslims following their Islam, just this week (an incomplete list, at that):

UK Islamic honor violence goes unreported: Schools and communities fear accusations of “Islamophobia” 

Ireland: Judge in hot water for saying “Muslims feel they can actually beat their wives” 

California: Jury selection begins in trial of Muslim accused of killing wife whose murder was blamed on “Islamophobia”

Ohio Christian minister: Lent has a great deal in common with the Muslim concept of jihad 

Pakistan: Jihad attack on polio team kills policeman 

New York: Hamas-linked CAIR demands halal food in schools — kosher food not an option 

Los Angeles: “Only one ethnic group being promoted: the Arab American group. We don’t have a Little Mexico or a Little Korea.” 

Iran-backed jihad terror cell infiltrated Turkish government at highest levels 

Robert Spencer at Can Malaysia’s Airliner Disaster Happen Here? 

Philippines: Muslims celebrate MILF’s peace with government; Christians at site of jihad massacre less excited 

Canada: Saudi Muslim who assaulted daughter says his actions “acceptable form of discipline” in his country 

German butchers remove showcase cardboard pigs after Muslim threats 

Raymond Ibrahim: Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians 

Pakistan: Christian sentenced to death for maligning Muhammad 

Gaza: Hamas takes another step toward Sharia, to introduce lashing 

Obama Administration partnered with Hamas-linked Muslim groups to purge counterterror training of truth about Islamic jihad 

Hagel: Terrorism not ruled out on Malaysia Airlines flight 

UK Shi’ite cleric broadcasts anti-Sunni rhetoric: “Fear is a load of angry Sunnis from Slough coming here and having a rumble” 

France thwarts jihad attack by Muslim returning from Syria 

Muslim Brotherhood supporter Qatar turns to U.S. for support 

Kenya: Muslim MP says homosexuality “as serious as terrorism” 

Syria: Sunni Islamic jihadists bomb Shi’ite shrine 

Obama fears NYC nuclear attack, but he again proposes to cut budget for city’s protection 

American Muslim pipe bomber gets 16 years of prison dawah 

Russia warned U.S. about Tsarnaev, but spelling error let him escape 

Bin Laden’s son-in-law convicted of conspiring to murder Americans in jihad terror attacks 

“Palestinian” pressure group demands that Rolling Stones cancel Israel concert 

UK: Jihad murderer’s brother says his brother’s life sentence is Islamophobic 

Muslim father ordered to leave Canada after choking and threatening his daughter 

Raymond Ibrahim: Western Ignorance of the ‘Conditions of Omar’ 

A jihadi group occupying the Syrian town of Raqqa recently gave Christian minorities living there three choices: 1) convert to Islam, 2) remain Christian but pay tribute and accept third-class subject status, or 3) die by the sword. 

“I don’t render an account to anyone but Allah. I will not give any testimony. You are all pagans.” 

Hamas sends threatening text messages to Israelis

Pakistan: Islamic jihadists kidnap, murder polio worker

Saudi Arabia’s top Muslim clerics say Muslim superhero comic “The 99″ is a “work of the devil”

Friend of Boston Marathon jihad bombers attacked FBI agent after agreeing to give statement about his involvement in jihad murders

Iran resumes financial assistance to Hamas

Myth-busting Doug Saunders’ ‘10 Myths about Muslims in the West’

Danish PM praises Turkey for increased democracy and rights, fully supports EU membership

Sweden: Police humiliated and beaten up in Muslim area

Syria: Islamic jihadists in Kessab desecrating churches, pillaging Christian homes

Pakistan erases New York Times story about government’s ties to Osama

UK: Muslim calls anti-FGM helpline to order the procedure for his two daughters

Three days before his arrest on jihad terror charges, U.S. Muslim convert called for respect for U.S. military uniform

Young being indoctrinated into jihad in Pakistan, confesses Indian Mujahideen terrorist Zia Ur Rehman

Robert Spencer in PJ Lifestyle: The National Guardsman’s Jihad

Moderate “Palestinian” Authority pledges $74 million for families of jihad terrorist “martyrs”

Raymond Ibrahim: Why the Media Doesn’t Cover Jihadist Attacks on Middle East Christians

Video: Syrian Muslim parents send son to his death in jihad/martyrdom suicide mission

Hamas MP: We must massacre Jews, make the rest pay the jizya

Canada: Muslim on student visa assaults daughter for marrying non-Muslim

Australia: Charges dropped against Muslim registered sex offender because of “cultural differences”

UK: State school investigated for spending $115,000 on speakers for Islamic call to prayer

Four Indian Mujahideen terrorists arrested, had plans to murder Hindu politician

Just before takeoff, Malaysian pilot got call from someone using phone obtained under false identity

Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs

Moderate Jordan: Unveiled women are “sluts,” may not testify in court

Malaysia: Muslim group says it’s willing to suffer bloodbath for Islam, to keep non-Muslims from using word “Allah”

Canada tracking 80 Muslims who have returned after waging jihad abroad

Pakistan: Acquitted of blasphemy, gunned down anyway

Nigeria: Islamic jihadists murder 17 in market attack

Kenya: Islamic jihadists storm church, murder four people

New study: wealthy, better educated Muslims more likely to wage jihad

One minus one.
About Western students of themselves—including not only literal students in schools and university, but also the vast minions of consumers of pop culture (even edging up to middle-brow and higher culture)—an astute Jihad Watcher put the rich and complex phenomenon succinctly.  His succinct observation was in response to the suggestion of another commenter who, in response to a Jihad Watch report of a high school in Michigan that was compelling its non-Muslim students to wear Islamic garb in order to derive multiculturalist benefits from this show and experience of vicarious "respect", wrote:

Students... should then be forced to wear garments associated with the Jewish, Catholic, Buddist, Mormon, and Protestant faiths

The aforementioned commenter then offered his succinct observation:

They do learn about those faiths in literature classes. They read “The Crucible” and “The Scarlet Letter” and learn about how intolerant protestantism is. They read “Chansons de Roland” and learn about the evils of the Crusades. They read “Candide” and learn about the evils of the Spanish Inquisition. But when they read about Islam, they only learn that jihad is a peaceful inner struggle.

This then prompted me to unfold a further thought on this:

Alas, the Syllabus of Errors of the PC MC West, in its pedagogy of a historical Gallery of Shame and White Guilt, often resembles more propaganda than the noble ideal of Paideia.  It contains many more books by which to reinforce the twin memes of its paradigm of reverse racism (irrationally excessive self-criticism and irrationally excessive admiration of the Other)—a veritable library full; supplemented by countless television shows, movies, and plays over the decades.

How many books do we suppose the Muslim world has produced which are as profoundly self-critical of their own society and their own culture—which is to say, synecdochically, of their own Islam—as the West has produced in its own scathingly searching and morbidly corrosive self-criticism?

I believe the number to answer that rhetorical question was (allegedly) invented by the Arabs: al-zifr. Translation: zero, zilch, zots.

This highlights one of the most peculiar, and infuriating, aspects of the World War we are currently in (aside from the monumental fact that one side—namely us—doesn't yet realize it's at war): it is an asymmetrical war, in many senses, including this one:

They hate us and are incapable of self-criticism; while we, through our culture of an industrious and multifarious cultivation of a morbid self-criticism of our own culture, hate ourselves. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Pride and Prejudice

There is a point where a mountain of data and an ocean of dots screaming to be connected motivates the rational man to draw a reasonable inference—and to commit to the judgement of that inference. Here, in the Counter-Jihad (someday hopefully to become an actual Anti-Islam Movement), “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers” and sisters know (or should know, by now) that mountain and that ocean—the mountain daily looming larger like a volcano, the ocean daily burgeoning beyond its bourn with tidal waves; and it behooves us to move rationally to the next step and commit to the judgement that is, precisely, a pre-judgement. I.e., to treat the inference, because reasonable (cf. the aforementioned mountain and ocean), as a judgement.

I know this will insidiously itch and rankle those in the Counter-Jihad who still suffer from signs and symptoms of the PC MC virus (even if only in the form of a scratchy throat, a few sniffles, a dry cough, a slight fever), but we need to have, and to hold, prejudice against all Muslims.

Not because we know enough to condemn them all equally as being a deadly and pernicious sociopolitical & ideological demographic—but rather because that aforementioned mountain and ocean indicate preponderantly that to do otherwise, and to give Muslims the benefit of the doubt which we reasonably give to any other people on Earth, would endanger our society in lethal ways—mass murders, destruction of property and social dislocations—now and increasingly as the decades unfold in this 21st century: our children’s, grandchildren’s and great-grandchildren’s lives and beyond.  We know (or should infer by now) that the logic of Jihad, already undergoing a global revival in our time, will not stop until it has ruined all of civilization.


When I wrote the above as a comment at Jihad Watch, a no-nonsense Jihad Watcher responded:

I don’t give the benefit of the doubt to Nazis or KKK members, why should I give the benefit of the doubt to anyone of an equally disgusting and vile ideology, that of pisslam?

A sallutary response, although one that seems oblivious to that other mountain and other ocean out there that continues to interfere with our perception of the first mountain and ocean—namely, PC MC, which remains dominant and mainstream throughout the entire West; and according to which such a comparison as being made between Muslims, and Nazis or KKK is forever stymied by various factors.

Nazis and KKK number very few as a tiny minority, are concentrated in only a few countries, and are by now marginal and not doing any damage nor threatening much for the future. In addition, the vast majority in the West agrees that they are pernicious.

Muslims number hundreds of millions all over the world in nearly every country on the planet. In addition, the majority throughout the West continues to indulge the mush of thought-and-feeling that tends to want to defend Muslims in the name of protecting “diversity” and defending against “bigotry”. The principle I outlined in my previous comment—the need for the West to adopt prejudice against all Muslims, is extremely vulnerable to charges of “bigotry” and most even in the Counter-Jihad would shrink back from it like shrinking violets, timid and anxious lest they anger the PC MCs who dominate in their culture all around them (or who even lurk more insidiously, psychologically within their hearts and minds as internal censors against thought crimes). Indeed, my principle would be seen by most in the mainstream—and by a few even within the Counter-Jihad—as ominously indicative of the evils of precisely the Nazis and KKK.

Meanwhile, some of the precious few in the Counter-Jihad who would embrace my principle may do it a bit too juicily and wholeheartedly, revealing glimpses of a slipped mask of Breivikian jingoism.

In her book and her speeches, the great Oriana Fallaci urged the West to recover their "Rage and Pride".  I wholeheartedly agree with her; and go further to recommend that we inform that Pride with reason leading us to Prejudice.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Over the years I have taken notice of how Hollywood and American and British television handle the problem of Islam—whether it figures centrally in a story line, or only peripherally.

I haven’t made a concerted study of it, though I did take the time and trouble to analyze at some length here on The Hesperado two important TV shows—the American spy thriller television series 24 (with a second essay on it later, also analyzing another show about terrorism, The Unit), and the British spy thriller television series MI-5 (also with a follow-up analysis two years later). I found both of those shows (as well as The Unit) seriously wanting and flawed in the way they handled the problem of Islamic terrorism—more often than not precisely because they weren’t even handling it at all (or worse yet, when they bothered to treat it directly, thus bungling and botching the crux, in the process purveying precisely the socially irresponsible opposite).

Along the way, as I have chosen a show or movie to watch for my recreational enjoyment, I have often noticed (to the annoying frustration of said enjoyment) even when the issue figures only tangentially, it is ineptly handled and marred by PC MC.

Case in point: a relatively marginal yet still mainstream spy thriller that came out in 2012 titled Erased (originally better titled The Expatriate), starring Aaron Eckhart as a CIA assassin whose cover as a security analyst in Cologne is erased by his superiors, who then proceed to hunt him down to kill him and his daughter (who only belatedly learns that her father is in fact an international spy) as the action takes them breathlessly beyond the Bourne of Germany to include Brussels and Antwerp. As father and daughter go into hiding on the run from the Evil White CIA (in collusion with some malignantly soulless billionaire industrialist with the conspicuously Anglo-Saxon name "James Halgate" (played with sinister unctuousness by Garrick Hagon) who is profiting unethically from weapons sales to Third World countries), the daughter tells her father that this boy she has been interested in from school, “Nabil”, a young very nice and polite Middle Eastern teenager (played by Yassine Fadel), can help them. A subplot unfolds where Nabil’s Middle Eastern family (obviously Muslims though never spelled out) figures out ways to hide father and daughter from the Evil White CIA.  A film review website in adverting to the actor notes preposterously that "Yassine Fadel probably an Islamic Arabic defies the usual stereotyping in Hollywood movies".  Huh?  The portrayal of the character "Nabil" as acted by Fadel, as directed by Philipp Stölzl, and as scripted by writer Arash Amel (surprise, surprise, an Iranian) in fact follows the standard PC MC boilerplate of the usual Hollywood stereotyping in showing a Middle Eastern Muslim as being a nice good-natured innocent.  In addition, innumerable subliminal details are telegraphed to the viewer throughout Erased indicating how Ordinary, Nice, Polite, and Innocently Hapless all the various Middle Easterners friends and Orientally extended family of "Nabil" are.  That reviewer, Linus Tee of "", thus exemplifies the typically delusional PC MC misapprehension of bigotry even where it does not exist, and even amid a sociocultural climate of overwhelming backbending respect for Muslims at every turn.  I have yet to see a movie or a show where the villains are Muslims engaging in terrorism for Islamic reasons—except the aforementioned American TV blockbuster juggernaut, 24; however the minimal amount of realism it timidly ventured to portray in its first season was soon (and outrageously) undermined by subsequent episodes and seasons (see my essays on it, linked above).  (The sole genuine exception to this pattern was the movie The Stone Merchant; though that was, not uncoincidentally, a straight-to-video movie very few souls saw.)

So, in Erased, instead of interweaving Muslims into the plot appropriately as at least part of the espionage problem depicted in the narrative, the scriptwriter and director choose to make the Muslims innocent, nice and helpful, while all the evil emanates from American government personnel and businessmen.

When movie after movie that is churned out of Hollywood telegraphs this type of subliminal message, unctuously massaging into the Body Politic a gently propagandistic reinforcement of the PC MC paradigm, it cannot but constitute a major dereliction of civic duty on the part of the filmmakers.

Erased, indeed: the problem of Muslims, metastasizing in our time as the number one social, political and geopolitical danger, continues to be whitewashed, if not whited out from our public conscious.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Well, it's been another quiet week in Lake Mobegone...

Bangladesh consul general in New York kept man as slave for 18 months

Afghan journos boycott Taliban coverage after they murder reporter

ABC drops “Alice in Arabia” after complaints from Hamas-linked CAIR

Paris: Muslims screaming “Death to the Jews” break Jewish teacher’s nose, draw swastika on his chest

Robert Spencer in FrontPage Mag: Face the Truth: Pakistan Is Not An Ally

Mar 22, 2014 at 1:23pm 5 Comments
They knew where bin Laden was. For years. It is now known that the head of Pakistan’s notorious spy service, the ISI, knew where Osama was all along. 

Indonesia: Sharia to apply to non-Muslims in Aceh

Massachusetts: Convicted jihad terrorist appeals to Supreme Court

Iraq: Islamic jihadists ram explosives-laden tanker into police HQ, killing many

Islamic jihadists storm “Kabul’s safest hotel,” murder nine people

New moderate Iran is building fake U.S. aircraft carrier for propaganda purposes

Albania arrests two imams who recruited Muslims for Syrian jihad

University of Michigan: Pro- “Palestinian” activists violently threaten pro-Israel students

Kenya legalizes polygamy without wife’s consent

Pakistan’s blasphemy law used to “kill innocent Christians without giving them a chance to prove their innocence”

New Jersey: Muslims appeal ruling that NYPD surveillance was legal

Iraq: Muslim cleric who stood against terrorism is gunned down

British jihadis in Syria urge other Muslims in UK to join them

Hamas-linked CAIR demands meeting with ABC over show about U.S. teen kidnapped by Saudis

Boston judge supports free speech restrictions, denies AFDI pro-Israel ad

Albania arrests two imams who recruited Muslims for Syrian jihad

University of Michigan: Pro- “Palestinian” activists violently threaten pro-Israel students

Kenya legalizes polygamy without wife’s consent

Pakistan’s blasphemy law used to “kill innocent Christians without giving them a chance to prove their innocence”

New Jersey: Muslims appeal ruling that NYPD surveillance was legal

Florida Muslim pleads guilty to supporting jihad terrorists overseas

UK: Mosque leader who compared gays to murderers now claims he was “misinterpreted”

New York Times, attempting to exonerate Malaysian pilot, lies about Robert Spencer

“We are educating the students in the Quran, and in the Quran it is written that it is every Muslim’s obligation to wage jihad”

Nigeria: All public schools in Borno state shut down because of jihad terror threat

Can a man marry a jinni female?

China: Muslim leader’s support for knife attack proves China faces jihad terror threat

Osama: “The attacks on the U.S.? We are the ones who did it.”

UK: Non-Muslim teachers bullied, smeared, driven from their schools for resisting Islamic supremacists

Chief of Pakistan’s spy service knew where bin Laden was hiding

Pro-Muslim Brotherhood cleric calls on supporters to terrorize Egypt

UK: Muslim charity that Cameron called “front” for Sharia group gets £70,000 a year in state funding

Florida Muslim made jihad recruitment videos, damaged Christian statues in cemetery

“The fight against China is our Islamic responsibility and we have to fulfill it”

Netherlands: Muslim rapper threatens to murder Geert Wilders

Pakistan: Muslim mob attacks Hindu temples and Sikh gurdwaras over alleged blasphemy

Somalia: “A mujahid with a car bomb entered the hotel, followed by two well-armed fighters who sprayed bullets”

UK Qur’an teacher who sexually abused 11-year-old girl spared jail because his wife doesn’t speak English

Nigeria unveils new “soft approach” to countering jihad terrorism

Netanyahu: “Border with Syria has lately been full of jihad and Hezbollah terrorists”

Muslims in Australia 10 times more likely to die waging jihad in Syria than serving in the military

Spain: Kebab shops financing global jihad

Hamas-linked CAIR tried to bribe sheriff to shut down counter-terror briefing

Pakistan: Three Hindus injured in acid attack for celebrating Holi

Michigan: Muslim arrested for plotting to join jihad terrorists of Hizballah in Syria

Virginia State Legislature commends mosque with jihad terror links

California: National Guardsman, convert to Islam, plotted to bomb LA subway, arrested for trying to aid al Qaeda

Raymond Ibrahim: Allah’s Sword of Terror

Slate whitewashes Muslim Brotherhood ties of Malaysian pol “fanatically” supported by pilot of missing plane

Interfaith outreach in Zanzibar: Islamic jihadists call Christian churches “dens of nonbelievers,” then bomb them

Leading ayatollah in new moderate Iran: the Twelfth Imam “will behead Western leaders”

Somalia: Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians

Swedish Parliament removes baroque bare-breasted painting to avoid offending Muslims

Former El Al security chief: Iran likely involved in Malaysia plane disappearance

Nigeria: Muslims murder over 150 Christians, including a pastor and his wife and children

Hamas top dog Mashaal: “Jihad in the path of Allah is the pinnacle of our aspirations, and it’s our life.”

“Plane diverted to carry out terrorist activities in India”

Norway: Muslima wanted to protect daughter from becoming Norwegian, tortured her to death

U.S. admits contact with terrorist Brotherhood org — to ‘support people of Egypt’

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claims credit for attack on IDF patrol at Lebanese border

Plot by Islamic jihadists to hijack passenger jet investigated in connection with disappearance of Malaysian airliner

Al Qaeda calls for jihad car bomb attacks in American cities

Pakistan: Enraged Muslim mob burns Hindu center over rumors of Qur’an desecration

Syria: Islamic jihadists kidnap 94 Alawite women and children, demand release of 2,000 jihadist prisoners in exchange

Saudi book fair bans books by “blasphemous” poet and book on women drivers

UK Muslim couple celebrated jihad murder of Lee Rigby: “We are fighting back and Sharia, Islamic law will come in”

Seven rockets hit Israel after Islamic Jihad agrees to halt of rocket fire

Germany: Muslim charged with planting pipe bomb in Bonn train station and plotting to assassinate leader of counter-jihad party

Denmark: Hundreds of gender-segregated Muslims demonstrate: “Who gives victory? Allah!” “Who takes lives? Allah!”

Saudi Arabia bans names deemed “‘blasphemous,’ non-Arabic or non-Islamic”

Texas: Muslim murdered daughter and lesbian lover, left Qur’an open to page condemning homosexuality

Video: Robert Spencer and Michael Coren on Muslim cleric justifying Westgate jihad massacre and more

Nigeria: Hundreds of Islamic jihadists attack barracks, university, civil servants’ living area

France: Four more Muslims charged with organizing jihad trips to Syria

Florida: Muslim plotted to plant explosives in Tampa’s party district as payback for Osama’s death

Pakistan: Woman who set herself on fire after reporting rape dies

Thailand: Muslims shoot Buddhist teacher, then douse her in gasoline and set her on fire