"Sanders brings up Holocaust in a discussion of Trump's 'intolerance'..."
So ran today's headline at Jihad Watch. The article goes on to report the money quote from Bernie:
“On a personal note, some of you know I’m Jewish. My father came to this country at the age of 17 from Poland. He came over, other people in his family did not come over. Those people died. Children died. … So that is in my heart, to see what a lunatic can do by stirring up racial hatred.”
A Jihad Watch reader named "Hope" had a pithy comment about how and why Bernie is grievously mistaken:
Muslims are not the new Jews. Muslims are the old Nazis.
Of course, Hope is correct. However, more needs to be said. As I put it in response to Hope:
If two problems weren't bad enough, there arises a third problem -- the Problem of the Problem of the Problem. For a succinct summation of the Three Problems, see my essay from a year ago).
As for the "Jewish problem" of my title, it's simple: Insofar as a sizeable number of American Jews support Bernie and are not decidedly, overwhelmingly pro-Trump, there exists a Jewish problem -- a problem for those patriotic American Jews who support Trump. And if anyone might doubt my concern about that sizeable number, consider these dismaying stats from this source:
Jewish Vote for Obama:
2008 78%
2012 69%.
Does anyone honestly think that a person who voted for Obama even once (let alone twice) would be pro-Trump and anti-Bernie?
Neither do I.
The second half of Hope’s statement reflects the primary problem; while the first half reflects the secondary problem -- the problem of the problem.
The primary problem being, naturally, Islam & Muslims (Muslims are the old Nazis); the secondary problem being the problem of nearly the entire Allah-damned West stubbornly refusing to see and properly digest the primary problem -- and thus thinking that Muslims are the New Jews; i.e., potential victims of bigotry and racism and (ever lurking between the lines) "another Holocaust".
And Muslims “are” both by virtue of what they are defined as -- sociopolitically & culturally through PC MC for the "New Jews" definition; and scientifically through a proper historical analysis that defines them as the "old Nazis" (if not, frankly, worse). Unfortunately and infuriatingly, we remain stuck with our Western Mainstream, dominated as it is by PC MC, intruding itself into the Conversation about the problem of this definition, even as we continue to beat our heads against the walls of their Box they can’t seem to think outside of…