Monday, April 04, 2016

The Jewish problem of Bernie

"Sanders brings up Holocaust in a discussion of Trump's 'intolerance'..."

So ran today's headline at Jihad Watch.  The article goes on to report the money quote from Bernie:

“On a personal note, some of you know I’m Jewish. My father came to this country at the age of 17 from Poland. He came over, other people in his family did not come over. Those people died. Children died. … So that is in my heart, to see what a lunatic can do by stirring up racial hatred.”

A Jihad Watch reader named "Hope" had a pithy comment about how and why Bernie is grievously mistaken:

Muslims are not the new Jews. Muslims are the old Nazis.

Of course, Hope is correct.   However, more needs to be said.  As I put it in response to Hope:

Unfortunately, they’re both.

The second half of Hope’s statement reflects the primary problem; while the first half reflects the secondary problem -- the problem of the problem.

The primary problem being, naturally, Islam & Muslims (Muslims are the old Nazis); the secondary problem being the problem of nearly the entire Allah-damned West stubbornly refusing to see and properly digest the primary problem -- and thus thinking that Muslims are the New Jews; i.e., potential victims of bigotry and racism and (ever lurking between the lines) "another Holocaust".

And Muslims “are” both by virtue of what they are defined as -- sociopolitically & culturally through PC MC for the "New Jews" definition; and scientifically through a proper historical analysis that defines them as the "old Nazis" (if not, frankly, worse).  Unfortunately and infuriatingly, we remain stuck with our Western Mainstream, dominated as it is by PC MC, intruding itself into the Conversation about the problem of this definition, even as we continue to beat our heads against the walls of their Box they can’t seem to think outside of…

If two problems weren't bad enough, there arises a third problem -- the Problem of the Problem of the Problem.  For a succinct summation of the Three Problems, see my essay from a year ago).

As for the "Jewish problem" of my title, it's simple:  Insofar as a sizeable number of American Jews support Bernie and are not decidedly, overwhelmingly pro-Trump, there exists a Jewish problem -- a problem for those patriotic American Jews who support Trump.  And if anyone might doubt my concern about that sizeable number, consider these dismaying stats from this source:

Jewish Vote for Obama:

2008 78%

2012 69%.

Does anyone honestly think that a person who voted for Obama even once (let alone twice) would be pro-Trump and anti-Bernie?

Neither do I.


  1. Well, well, well....

  2. Note that the incident was near Hesperia.

  3. Police report at the end first says shooters were SEEN, and then says no one saw the shooters.

    Sounds like a thorough investigation....

    As for crimes, I can think of a few off the top of my head: conspiracy to commit (attempted) murder, kidnapping (preventing people from leaving the campsite via shooting at them), stalking (the campers), training a terror group, discharging weapons in a threatening manner, brandishing weapons.

    As far as evidence of the shooting, the discharged bullets and shells of the firearms are evidence! It would seem that police could match 1) the fingerprints with the firearms and chambered bullets, and 2) the discharged bullets and shells with the firearms.

    I'd also like to know more about the Marines who were 'robbed.' Was this another Fast and Furious operation - or just a setup?



  5. Is there another group of 'Americans' that DEMANDS open fealty to another NATION that is a modern theocracy?

  6. Hi gravenimage,

    Who owns the Fed? Really who?! Why the huge secrecy about who owns the Fed? Who have been the chair people of the Fed for memory?

    And, that's just the Fed. That doesn't even count who owns the media....

    What about who owns the Democratic Party branch of the uniparty? Who are its major individual donors? What groups insist on endless immigration to the West (but NOT Israel)? What groups fight for laws that have substantially increased vote fraud, thus effectively disenfranchising Western Christian citizens?

    As for the Republican branch of the uniparty, who are the neocons ready to send Western Christian citizens to endless wars?

    Back to Congress and the Supreme Court, why are Jews substantially overrepresented based on their percentage of the population?

    What about the Ivy Leagues? Why are Jews substantially overrepresented based on their percentage of the population?

    If you break it, you bought it. Jews can be - and are - villains as easy as the next guy. We are well on our way to World War IV, and Jews will have to answer to God as to their contributions to World War IV.

  7. Just as the fear of being labeled antisemitic is used to stop criticism of Jews....

  8. It appears that I have middle-eastern-phobia....

  9. "Hesperado, I *know* you are not an antisemite. I'm not sure why you have no problem with such antisemitic comments on your own blog."

    Long ago, more than once, I explained to Egghead why I disagree with her. My disagreement includes many distinct factors; one of them is that the movements of PC MC, Leftism, and Communism (in ascending order of pathology) have contained and have been sincerely promoted and at times (where they have influence) even propelled by innumerable individuals who are not Jewish but who are practically everything else under the sun -- Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics, New Agers, etc. This is one indication that such aforementioned movements are not some nefarious Macchiavellian plot by Jews. Another factor is that such a conspiracy theory requires Jews to have prodigious superpowers; an already outlandish premise to work with.

    That said, there remains a Jewish problem (of unintentionally aiding and abetting Muslims) -- and a Jewish problem of the problem (the latter being the almost neurotic disinclination by Jews to acknowledge the former a secondary problem that doesn't seem to be manifested as much by other groups who also have a problem, such as Catholics, Christians in general, atheists, gays, etc.)

  10. Well, Hesp, I was just finishing a long reply to you, but that was censored before I posted it!

    To summarize: It is clear that neither Hindus nor Buddhists have been, are, or will be PC MC about Islam in their homelands. It's easy to find web sources to describe Hindu Muslim conflicts and Buddhist Muslim conflicts.

    It is also easy to find sources that describe ways that Israel is - intentionally - aiding and abetting Muslims in the West and in the Middle East. I reference these sources as a jumping off point to ask questions....

  11. Not to worry, Stanford claims that Hindu Muslim conflict is our fault:

  12. Hesperado, thank you for your reply.

    Certainly, I agree that Jewish people are as apt to be infused with suicidal "political correctness" as are any Gentiles--but not more so.

    Hope you are well.

  13. Well, if it is true that the subconscious mind fails to hear negative words, then your statement is telling.


    See Jews want to make it personal to Jews when Americans distrust people with divided loyalties. Muslims and Asians are also very dangerous - and will remain dangerous for as long as they have divided loyalties - despite having been born and raised in the West for generations.

    Be sure to read the comment by Arminius and tell me WHY American Christians should feel comfortable about the allegiance of American Jews who maintain Israeli citizenship - or who served in the Israeli military - or who donate significant sums to Israel?

    It is an issue of where American Jewish allegiance lies when choices are made to send American Christians to war in Muslim countries that 'affect' Israel - especially because American Jews are a very small percentage of the general population and the military - so it becomes American Christians being sent to war by American Jews to benefit Israeli Jews.

    For way too long, American troops have been effectively used as 'mercenaries' to protect the interests of other countries and other peoples - instead of the interests of American Christians.



    Be sure to read the comments....

  17. gravenimage wrote above:

    Certainly, I agree that Jewish people are as apt to be infused with suicidal "political correctness" as are any Gentiles--but not more so.

    gravenimage is not considering the somewhat fine -- but important -- distinction between the following two phenomena:

    1) subcultures in the West being PC MC


    2) their respective counterparts in the Counter-Jihad being appropriately dismayed about their PC MC fellows.

    Thus, noting #1, we can say that yes, Jews seem to be no more infected with the mass neurosis of PC MC than other subcultures seem to be -- Catholics, Protestants, atheists, agnostics, etc. When our attention moves to #2, however, we do see a difference: We consider as one example among many how Robert Spencer has no qualms in pointing the finger at the Catholic Bishops of America for being PC MC, at prominent Eastern rite Catholic clergy in the Middle East who behave like dhimmis, and even at his own Pope, pointedly referring to them in terms of their being Catholic. When have we ever seen this kind of healthy criticism of one's own subculture from the Jewish members of the Counter-Jihad (examples: Frank Gaffney, Diana West, David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes, Daniel Greenfield...?). Only one name comes to mind, but she's always been an outlier anyway, and thus in this regard is the exception that proves the rule: Debbie Schlussel. This is the "Jewish problem" to which I refer in my article here.

    However, unlike Robert Spencer, I sometimes undergo that odd experience called changing your mind after you assess new data; and therefore I'm not set in stone about the #1 feature. I continue to experience dismay at how many Jews are involved in PC MC, not to mention more robust Leftism, in terms of promoting precisely the wrong views about Islam; and I continue to wonder if indeed I am correct that "Jews seem to be no more infected with the mass neurosis of PC MC than other subcultures seem to be -- Catholics, Protestants, atheists, agnostics, etc." The late Lawrence Auster -- known for his bravery in shining a light on issues uncomfortable even in the politically INcorrect sphere -- explored this issue in an even-handed way (and therefore received lots of flack from within the Counter-Jihad for doing so). My mind remains open, and therefore disturbed, about this...

  18. Hi Hesp,

    If you ever get low, please know how much I respect you and your willingness to discuss difficult issues and your exceptional intellect.

    I was thinking about this issue, and I think the main point is "Why are Jews 'allowed' and truly 'encouraged' to fear Western Christians as perpetual genocidal maniacs, but Western Christians are 'forbidden' and 'ostracized' as antisemites for fearing the substantial and ever expanding power that Jews hold over and use to change Western Christian lives and culture and civilization - at the same time that Jews think and portray the worst view of Western Christians?!"

  19. The right to free association has recently been voided for Western Christian culture.

    We have NO ability to control immigration - or who will be our fellow citizens and inheritors - or future presidents raised in foreign countries.

    We have NO ability to avoid hiring - or to fire - people who hold hostile beliefs - or non-citizens - or felons - or those who are incompetent due to low IQ or mental illness.

    We have NO ability to limit service to those who contravene Western Christian culture.

    We have NO ability to limit men from joining women's sports - and seriously injuring women and children.

    We have NO ability to limit men from entering women's restrooms and locker rooms - and harming, menacing, or embarrassing women and children - and vice versa.


  20. The more you study Islam and Judaism, the more you realize Judaism WAS indeed the source of various war tactics which both groups still employ against 'the other' - and both groups KNOW this and seek to obscure the use of their various war tactics via religious propaganda that works against truth.


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