I've been banned -- again -- from Jihad Watch comments.
Over the years, I've been banned from there more than once before. As I wrote in an essay from January of 2011:
For one thing, I've been banned three other times in the past (as far as I can remember; it's somewhat of a blur), all more or less as unfair as the most recent banning, yet I rebounded from them eventually to edge my presence back onto Jihad Watch comments.
That essay -- Adieu, Jihad Watch... -- pretty much says it all; and other than some tedious and wearisome details surrounding my latest banning the other day, everything I said there five years ago applies today: it's just the Same Old Same Old. The reader could also supplement that essay with another old essay I wrote on my bannings, The Pepper Archives (the title referring to Dr. Pepper, one of my many nicknames I have used in Jihad Watch comments).
One thing is sure in my mind: the latest banning by Robert Spencer was not fair; it was mean, spiteful, childish, fascistic, and reflects an unhealthy in-group subculture among Spencer's loyal fans in the Jihad Watch readership who stroke his ego daily and "protect" him from anyone who dares to raise even a hint of dissenting critical thought. This festering in-group at Jihad Watch comments I have nicknamed the "Rabbit Pack" in honor of one of their chief protagonists, "Angemon", whose M.O. is to ensnare the object of his Energizer Bunny obsession into his rabbit hole sophistry.
In the past few weeks, as I was being attacked more and more by Angemon (and then by their friend and fellow Rabbit Pack member, "joe blow" -- aka "Philip Jihadski"), and as I understandably began to defend myself from those attacks, one or more of the other members of the Rabbit Pack -- most notably the ugly "Champ" (ugly in spirit, that is), as well as the haughty bitch Mirren, the passive-aggressive "gravenimage", the irresponsibly lofty "Wellington", the boneheaded "Jay Boo", the obtuse "Western Canadian", the egregiously PC MC "PRCS", and the self-censoring dumbledoresarmy (my apologies for leaving any names out...) -- began to defend my attackers, and no one as far as I know stepped in to help me. At some point as this devolved, and the Rabbit Pack became more and more rabid, one or more of the aforementioned members likely contacted Spencer's genius tech guy ("marc") who in turn relayed their lynch-mob request to Spencer who, naturally, ruled from on high precisely against common sense. common decency, and the free speech of our common cause.
Why would anyone want to "cite Jewish sources that compare the Talmud to the Koran" at this particular time when the West is under relentless attack of Islam, and on a particular site dedicated to warn the West by showing the evil and danger of Islam? Who is going to benefit from these "revelations", but those for whom insinuating moral equivalence of Judaism and Islam, or parading their "erudition", is more important than the war.
So, egghead, either you contribute to the war effort, or contain your urge to show off after the war is won (by the West).
Hey Hesp, At least 'they' outright banned you. 'They' just erase my comments while I'm writing them or after I publish them....
Here's a comment that was censored:
Ah T.S., it's more and more apparent that the West has been, is, and will be under relentless attack BECAUSE of an unholy alliance between Jews and Muslims who share mutual ideas and implement mutual actions against 'the other' including Christians and Hindus - with said mutual ideas and mutual actions both dating to the founding of Islam and persisting to present day.
For those who wonder if Africa can support Christianity if the Christian West dies:
Here are some interesting articles:
To 'anonymous' @ 7:13 AM :-
To speak the truth, at whatever time, and in whatever circumstances, is always a lonely and sometimes dangerous business. There are seldom others who will 'protect your back' and the truth-teller often finds there is no longer any welcome place 'where everyone knows your name.' Islam derives from Talmudic Judaism which in its turn had evolved from the Oral Tradition and Commentaries on it which Jesus Christ denounced emphatically many times over in the New Testament. Judaism's historical record of persecution of others, even amounting to attempted genocide, its usurious and destructive practices, its massive ownership and control of modern media in all forms (print, films, social media, TV) means it controls our perceptions of events, its effect on parliaments, congresses in enacting legislation designed to silence free speech ('hate speech' or laws to imprison anyone questioning the storyline of events of WWII), its alignment with Moslems as political forces against European peoples' resistance to 'immigrant' invasion --- all this is 'verboten' on falsely-termed 'counter-jihad' sites which, if they were truly intent on defending and preserving our countries, laws, values AND peoples, would have long ago exposed all of this. That is why voices such as Eggghead's, and sites such as Hesperado's, are so important. No war can be won unless one acknowledges who one's enemies are, ALL of them, and their tactics.
@ "anonymous" above:
I didn’t respond to egghead’s outrageous absurdities. As you are basically repeating and expanding them I am not going to engage you either.
Good day to you.
I appreciate the support from Anonymous; however, I don't agree that Jews are diabolically machinating the problem of Islam. That's not a fact, but an inference based upon a way of making sense of a tissue of facts. The inference in my view doesn't make sense for many reasons, chief among which that it necessitates either a ludicrous magnification of powers imputed to Jews, or a strange reduction in capacity among millions of non-Jews (many of them quite intelligent) rendered into a mass of sheep. Or it combines both for maximum preposterousness.
Thank you to Anon @ 7:11AM. A year or so ago, I entrusted Hesperado's website to God with the heartfelt prayer that whoever needs to read my comments will be brought here. I am willing to dialogue with Hesperado by leaving him comments - and I am willing to write detailed comments for the benefit of even one reader with the full trust in God that it is the right reader.
My goal here is three-fold:
1. Support Hesperado who is inspired by God (whether he knows it or not). :)
2. Supplement Hesperado with ideas that he may have overlooked or omitted (for reasons that may be very logical in his life).
3. Prod Hesperado to come to Christ! :)
Hesp, My sincere wish for you is that you will find your inner C.S. Lewis! More to come....
Anonymous wrote:
Judaism's historical record of persecution of others, even amounting to attempted genocide, its usurious and destructive practices, its massive ownership and control of modern media in all forms (print, films, social media, TV) means it controls our perceptions of events... That is why voices such as Eggghead's, and sites such as Hesperado's, are so important.
I'm sorry--I can't help but comment here. The idea that Hesperado is himself antisemtic and that he endorses such anti-Jewish conspiracy theories simply is not true.
Hesperado may not always regard me with respect, but I respect him too much to let his positions be so mischaracterized.
'gravenimage': You have perfectly illustrated, with your comment, the use and power of 'political correctness' (lashan hara 'evil speech'in Judaism): I commended Hesperado for his already stated policy of allowing genuine free speech whether he personally agreed with any of the statements made by those commenting at his site. You, on the other hand, regard any statement about Judaism which may be perceived as negative (principally by Jews, but also by others operating under the constraints of 'political correctness') to be 'evil speech' and therefore should not be permitted. I also suggest that you investigate the term 'anti-semitic'; you will see that it was formulated as a political device, and I suggest reading Wilhelm Marr's statement on the Jews. Since I presume you would object to the term 'islamophobia' being applied to anyone who states his opinion, based on facts or otherwise, about Islam, then, in the interests of that extolled 'equality', if not a true love of free speech, you should not apply abusive terms to others which are actually designed to silence their speech and, ultimately, their thoughts.
Anonymous wrote of gravenimage:
" You, on the other hand, regard any statement about Judaism which may be perceived as negative (principally by Jews, but also by others operating under the constraints of 'political correctness') to be 'evil speech' and therefore should not be permitted."
I don't think gravenimage would herself directly try to interdict anyone's speech, nor would she explicitly advocate it; instead, she lets her friends (and Spencer's friends, the "Rabbit Pack" at the Jihad Watch comments community -- see my essay above) form an impromptu lynch mob against me, and bitch to Spencer to get me banned. And then she (what's that old famous saying about "when good people do nothing...? I forget now...) does nothing about it. The advantage of being a passive-aggressive person like gravenimage is that other people can do the dirty work for you.
And prior to that, my time in the Jihad Watch comments community was a daily experience of frustration and annoyance, as her friend "Angemon" pestered me at an unbelievable rate of quantity and sophistical quality (over 100 comments attaching to mine niggling me and pestering me, and for what? because I'm a "Goebbels" who must be "exposed", apparently), then his friend and gravenimage's friend, "joe blow" (aka "Philip Jihadski") began to weigh in with abusive, bullying attacks on me (addressing me as "Donkey" and "Jackass" etc.) -- and gravenimage again, did nothing. Her nothing speaks volumes, and makes any compliments she might direct my way bitterly hollow.
"(over 100 comments attaching to mine niggling me and pestering me"
That's in the span of three months (March, April, May -- counting even before May was finished). I had re-entered Jihad Watch comments at the beginning of March, after a long hiatus since I "snapped" in September after the Paris attacks and feeling nauseated by the softness that seems dominant in the Jihad Watch comments community -- a softness at which gravenimage's friends, the Rabbit Pack excel. Indeed, the Rabbit Pack not only excel at softness, they positively police it, sort of as informal "deputies" strutting about in Jihad Watch comments (or, like gravenimage, busying herself therein while pretending not to notice all the bullying tactics used by her friends) -- by pestering, mocking, attacking, then sometimes getting banned, anyone who dares to to press a view disagreeing with theirs.
Then for fucking years in times past, Angemon and "Philip Jihadski" were pestering the living fucking daylights out of me; and gravenimage did absolutely nothing (except chide me not them once in a blue moon when, out of sheer desperation, I made some noise by banging my head on the wall). Oh yes, once or twice she gave Angemon a slap on the wrist -- as when he attacked me as a "Goebbels", at which she demurely noted, "Angemon comparing you to Goebbels is wrong" (then, when he tried his sophistry on her, by trying to wiggle his way out of it by implying incoherently that he was referring to my debating style, she very politely reminded him that such a comparison about "Goebbels" is more than just about style but also about content -- then hastened to add that she respects Angemon very much, meanwhile letting him have the last word).
Readers who want to read the sordid episode at JW comments a year ago (August of 2015):
I never said that antisemitism or any other speech "should not be permitted"--this is false.
Thanks--of sorts--for Hesperado for weakly saying that I probably would not try to shut such speech down.
The idea that I have never advocated freedom of speech is also false.
Citing my defending Hesperado as proof of my not defending Hesperado is also odd--even if said defense was not vigorous enough for his taste.
As for saying I did nothing vis-a-vis "Joe Blow", that is also mistaken.
The idea that I sought Hesperado's banning, or have ever done so, is mistaken as well.
Perhaps best at this point that I leave this blog to the antisemites and conspiracy theorists who appear to have largely taken it over--though it saddens me to do so.
I find it difficult to swallow being 'characterized' as either an Anti-Semite or conspiracy theorist by someone with the nickname of graven image.
If you google the term 'graven image,' you will see that the self-chosen nickname is literally a derision of the second commandment whereby God forbids people to worship false idols.
It appears that graven image worships the false idol of self-pride - rather than the triune God.
The Holy Spirit strongly chides: Is the living Jesus Anti-Semitic?!
Gravenimage, I somehow missed you characterizing egghead as an anti-semite and conspiracy theorist - as he complains, but in this case I'll trust pinhead and congratulate you on referring to him in that manner. Perhaps I could improve on your description of pinnhead by saying he is a vulgar antisemite, cretinous conspiracy theorist and genuinely fake Christian. His hatred made him all these three things.
Anon: Reading comprehension is a beautiful thing. Try it sometime and maybe you will comprehend that criticizing the Talmud and Koran - and the many spiritually confused and sinful adherents who enliven and cheerleaders who encourage them - is the task of all MORAL people including Christians - starting and ending with Jesus.
'Ye that love the Lord hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.'
Merry Christmas and Happy Easter to you! ;)
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