Beginning at 2:36 of this video, a joint interview with Michael Coren and Robert Spencer back in 2012 about Islamic honor killings, Robert Spencer says:
"It's undeniable. The fact is, that human nature is everywhere the same. And a parent to kill a child is not a natural impulse -- it goes against every natural impulse. And so, the vast majority of Muslim parents are exactly like the vast majority of any other parents."
At about the same time, Spencer also featured Coren in a Jihad Watch article which Spencer begins thusly [bold emphasis mine]:
"Yes, of course the vast majority of Muslims would never kill or harm their children"
And I went on to say:
I think the more accurate way of putting this is
"Yes, of course the vast majority of Muslims don't kill their children"
Because, the "would never" implies that Spencer a) knows the minds of hundreds of millions of Muslims, which is absurd; and b) that he knows the future, which is also absurd.
Secondly, if we're going to include "harm" in this equation, it's highly likely that a hell of a lot of harm (i.e., emotional and physical abuse) is going on among a hell of a lot of Muslim families around the world, more than the implied tiny minority (the logical opposite of a "vast majority", no?); and anyway, why add the distraction of familial abuse to this equation especially in favor of Muslims, when we are focusing on (honor) killing per se?
To which the "unofficial librarian" of Jihad Watch, an irritable Aussie woman nicknamed "dumbledoresarmy" who also belongs to the "Rabbit Pack" (the unofficial lynch mob slash high school clique of Counter-Jihad Softies at Jihad Watch comments), responded by carefully -- and needlessly -- picking a nit out of my comment:
You wrote -"among this "vast majority" of Muslims Spencer was exonerating"...
Not Spencer. Coren. The sentence "Yes, of course the vast majority of Muslims would never kill or harm their children" was NOT written by Robert Spencer; it was written by Coren, it is part of the article Coren wrote for the Toronto Sun.
To which I responded:
I see. Well, it certainly seems to be endorsed by Spencer. I don't see anything "superb" about a man who has such an opinion which is a sweepingly generous generalization about approximately one billion Muslims around the world. And if you must quibble with "endorsed" then you cannot deny countenanced.
Well, dumbledoresarmy needed to spiff up her libarian's skills (and stop pestering me for doing my small part for quality control of the Counter-Jihad). For not only was I correct that Spencer countenances that most unsuperb generalization by Coren; as I proved up top, he affirms it -- reiteratively.