Monday, July 18, 2016

Signs of intelligent life on Planet Jihad Watch...

In a typically arid commentscape of Jihad Watchers harping on Saudi oil buying off American politicians and promoting "Wahhabism" (along with major off-topic areas of police work by the resident lynch mob of regulars I have christened the "Rabbit Pack" (aka The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight) of some chatter who has a hobbyhorse that shades off from legitimate criticism of America's bungling enablement of Islamic jihad to a darker anti-American condemnation), and precious little about the main topic -- "Confirmed: Top Saudi Officials Aided the 911 Jihad Plot" -- I was pleased to note these refreshing drops of water from some commenter I've noticed a few times in the last year, but wouldn't count as a long-time regular per se:

  • The first step is to rid the West of mohammedans. Round ’em up and take ’em out (to the second portion of that sentence, feel free in using your own definition of “take ’em out”).
    Once we have secured, and made safe, our own nations … then it’s time to sever ties or what ever else is deemed appropriate at that time.
    Just think about it …. over 82% of all mohammedans, in the West, are on full government support … food, clothing, shelter, medical care, legal assistance, special educational requirements, and cash stipends.
    Now, that figure does not consist, solely, of the “refugees”. Rather, it includes them, other nonrefugee status immigrants, and native born mohammedans.
    Cut them off all support. Kick them out of public housing. No food or medical assistance … and the list goes on.
    Those that do not self-deport … or emigrate (in the case of the native born) then, round ’em up and take ’em out.


  1. "Round ’em up and take ’em out (to the second portion of that sentence, feel free in using your own definition of “take ’em out”)." "

    Right. Now just define EXACTLY how you propose to "round 'em up", Donkey.

    You never have answered the question. After all of these years you still fail to see the primary illogic in your pseudo-argument:

    1.) Cannot tell the difference between an imminently dangerous Moslem and a "moderate" Moslem.

    2.) Cannot distinguish - physically - a Moslem from a non-Moslem (to wit - the 9-11 hijackers, who wore suits, and who appeared sufficiently "westernized" to avoid suspicion).

    3.) Hence, "round 'em up" becomes a non-sequitur. It would be analogous to saying, "Round up all of the Catholics!"

    Of course, Voegy the Donkey won't address any of this, as he is simply insane and incapable of doing so. Instead, he just goes blundering along, pretending to offer real solutions to the problem, such as BEGINNING AT THE SOURCE, which would be a simple and, at the outset, effective tool; that is, work to change our laws and require all incoming foreigners stomp on the Koran in order to be granted physical presence in the USA.

  2. "Those that do not self-deport … or emigrate (in the case of the native born) then, round ’em up and take ’em out."


    You always made a point of stressing out that you favored deportation as an alternative to genocide. Now you no longer do. You're openly endorsing a call to genocide. Now your detractors have found the provervial crack in the armor where they can stick the red hot blade and twist it.

  3. @Bronze Sculptor

    I think it's the Jihad Watch commenter, Lanya LaPunta who is implicitly pointing to mass murder. Is Hesperado in favor of genocide? I don't think so. When and where he endorse such a thing? I've never seen him do that.

    Yorick of Snarkinore

  4. During World War II, did the USA import millions of hostile Nazis from active war zones with very high rates of rape and torture, summarily decree Nazis to be both 'peaceful' and 'citizens' and pay all of their living expenses ad infinitum?!

    Jihad = (among Muslims) a war or struggle against unbelievers [of Mohammed - because let's be honest, Mohammed 'invented' Islam so he could molest, rape, torture, and murder girls, boys, women, and men]

  5. Yes Yorick, Bronze Sculptor is jumping the gun there. I thought about adding a little caveat in my essay about that phrase of Lanya LaPunta's, but I thought it unnecessary. I should never underestimate the mean-spiritedness of some readers, nor overestimate their fair-minded sharpness. There is one thing I would say in this regard, however: if the West doesn't do either total deportation/quarantine OR genocide, the West will be destroyed by Muslims, eventually. That was the sense I was thinking of when I endorsed LanyaPunta's comment. As I've said quite a few times already, I'm not advocating policy per se as though I had any influence or power to do so; I'm pushing a meme of total intolerance of Muslims. Unless the West cultivates such zero tolerance, they will continue to be dead set on Titanic course for the "Iceslam" iceberg.

    I think total deportation is ethically preferable, and believe there remains a window of time (some number of decades I am, of course, unable to specify) from now forwards where it can still be doable. I am also fairly certain there will come a time where if we haven't done total deportation because we waited too long, we will at that point either become embroiled in a horrific & bloody devolution of our societies where we won't even be able to genocide Muslims, much less deport them; while our own survival as a civilization will be gravely in peril, if not by then already a catastrophic eventuality.

  6. I didn't put my last sentence well. Should be:

    "while our own survival as a civilization will be gravely in peril, if not by then already a catastrophic failure.

  7. Yorick, Hesperado:

    Lanya LaPunta pointed, Hesperado endorsed it. See Tuesday, July 12, 2016 essay and Spencer endorse of using radical islam by Michaell Coren.

  8. Bronze Sculptor said...

    Yorick, Hesperado:

    Lanya LaPunta pointed, Hesperado endorsed it. See Tuesday, July 12, 2016 essay and Spencer endorse of using radical islam by Michaell Coren.

    July 19, 2016 at 4:06 AM Delete

    Bronze Sculptor, please try to use actual English next time.

  9. Thanks Richard James. The anonymous commenter you were responding to is that guy I've been mentioning from Jihad Watch, "Joe Blow" (aka "Philip Jihadski"). I've never seen him formulate an argument that isn't a heap of parts cobbled together, sagging with slap-dash duct tape haphazardly applied, and more often than not brimming with throttled with rage.

  10. And by the way: the LanyaLaPunta comment in question was published on Jihad Watch comments a full 24 hours ago (July 18, 9:27 am) -- and none of the Rabbit Pack (see my essay for explanation of the term) has seen fit to zoom in to admonish her. Given the frequency and response-time of corrective comments posted by members of that vigilante clique as I have witnessed their activity in hundreds of comments threads over several years (particularly gravenimage, Angemon, and JayBoo, the three "beat cops" who cruise around Jihad Watch comments threads swinging their billy-clubs making sure people stay in line), it is reasonable to assume that if any comment goes unpunished by them for 24 hours, they're fine with it. (On that very same thread, for example, notice how quick they are to zoom in like white blood cells attacking a foreign antibody invading their community, in the form of "Christianblood".)


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