Another day, another Mohammedan attack. This time two Muslims raided a sleepy little church -- the parish church of St. Etienne du Rouvray just south of the city of Rouen in the French region of Normandy and about 80 miles northwest of Paris -- took nuns and parishioners hostage, then with cries of the takbir ("Allahu Akbar!") beheaded the 86-year-old priest, Father Jacques Hamel. They apparently attacked others as well before French police killed them. A nun is reportedly in critical condition. Given how the mainstream politicians and media have been not only reacting with denial to Islamic terrorism but have shown signs of actively covering up the more grotesquely alarming details (as with the Paris attacks last November and the Nice attack more recently), I feel I am perfectly reasonable in assuming that the mainstream is withholding information showing that this attack, like most of the other attacks, involved horrific tortures and rapes by the Muslims (if they had time to do so).
Yes, that’s it, and I want all Muslims kicked out of this country!
Enough! I’ve had it! This is too much! Every last one of them out of
here! I don’t care where they go! Get out!
And the enabler in chief out along with them! I don’t care where he goes! Send him to Kenya! No more murders in the name of Islam! I’m tired of hearing the word Islam! It means murder, death and destruction!
Amen, brother.
And amusingly, I noted that none of the "Rabbit Pack" -- Jihad Watch comments veterans Angemon, Joe Blow (aka "Philip Jihadski"), gravenimage, Mirren, Wellington the (Stolid Conservator of the Constistution), dumbledoresarmy (the Librarian of Jihad Watch with her rhinestone pince-nez on a chain), Western Canadian, PRCS, et al. -- saw fit to swoop in to chastize or admonish John A. Marre for his reckless post. That's probably only because he hasn't pushed their buttons and hasn't pressed the issue in several posts, as I did when I raised the issue so insistently in their faces, they couldn't pretend not to notice.
And the enabler in chief out along with them! I don’t care where he goes! Send him to Kenya! No more murders in the name of Islam! I’m tired of hearing the word Islam! It means murder, death and destruction!
Amen, brother.
And amusingly, I noted that none of the "Rabbit Pack" -- Jihad Watch comments veterans Angemon, Joe Blow (aka "Philip Jihadski"), gravenimage, Mirren, Wellington the (Stolid Conservator of the Constistution), dumbledoresarmy (the Librarian of Jihad Watch with her rhinestone pince-nez on a chain), Western Canadian, PRCS, et al. -- saw fit to swoop in to chastize or admonish John A. Marre for his reckless post. That's probably only because he hasn't pushed their buttons and hasn't pressed the issue in several posts, as I did when I raised the issue so insistently in their faces, they couldn't pretend not to notice.
"And amusingly, I noted that none of the "Rabbit Pack" -- Jihad Watch comments veterans Angemon, Joe Blow (aka "Philip Jihadski"), gravenimage, Mirren, Wellington the (Stolid Conservator of the Constistution), dumbledoresarmy (the Librarian of Jihad Watch with her rhinestone pince-nez on a chain), Western Canadian, PRCS, et al. -- saw fit to swoop in to chastize or admonish John A. Marre for his reckless post. That's probably only because he hasn't pushed their buttons and hasn't pressed the issue in several posts, as I did when I raised the issue so insistently in their faces, they couldn't pretend not to notice."
"And amusingly"? Got it, bucko. Rather, it's more akin to "obsessively", in your case. You're just pissed off that you've been banned AGAIN over there, and now all you can do is harp from your stupid blog, with all of its 3 or 4 commenters.
And in your insane narcissism, it never occurred to you that perhaps nobody CARED TO COMMENT, in response to your new love interest at JWatch, because we're all sick and tired of explaining the law to you carefully and over YEARS. We're also sick and tired of dealing with you, AT ALL, because you're just - frankly - stupid.
Look, dummy...for the thousandth time - we're all in for deporting all of the Moslems. I've ALWAYS been in favor of that. But we have to change our laws FIRST. You cannot simply go out and "round 'em up", because you first must identify them - and to do that, you have to be a mind reader, or institute lie-detector tests on each and every fucking "suspect".
Now - you go ahead and tell us - EXACTLY - how this can be done; tell us EXACTLY how our immigration laws must be changed, then - and only then - will I give you one shred of credibility...basically, because you're an asshole first, and a poor thinker second; finally, I just think you're crazy.
Toodles, donkey!
"And in your insane narcissism, it never occurred to you that perhaps nobody CARED TO COMMENT, in response to your new love interest at JWatch, because we're all sick and tired of explaining the law to you carefully and over YEARS. We're also sick and tired of dealing with you, AT ALL, because you're just - frankly - stupid."
ReplyDeleteI was obviously referring to why the Rabbit Pack weren't commenting on Jihad Watch directly in response to that commenter, John A. Marre. I wasn't expecting them to come over here and comment about it. The "Anonymous" commenter above (actually "Joe Blow" aka "Philip Jihadski") once again is too obtuse to understand what I was clearly saying in my essay. Other than that, I also don't expect the Rabbit Pack to even be aware of me any more, since I'm not commenting there. What I do expect them to do is to express their healthy anger & impatience as John A. Marre did.
And as I noted in my essay, when I did insist on pushing that meme (total deportation, zero tolerance against all Muslims) I was routinely, regularly, nearly incessantly chastized by the Rabbit Pack (mainly Angemon, secondarily "Joe Blow", then sometimes the rest of the Rabbit Pack.
Thus, the facts that 1) the Rabbit Pack virtually never expressed that meme (except once, one measly comment by Mirren long ago); and 2) would admonish me when I expressed it, indicates to anyone with half a brain that "Anonymous" above ("Joe Blow" aka "Philip Jihadski") is lying when he writes that:
...we're all in for deporting all of the Moslems. I've ALWAYS been in favor of that.
His follow-up is revealing in its tortured incoherence:
But we have to change our laws FIRST. You cannot simply go out and "round 'em up", because you first must identify them - and to do that, you have to be a mind reader, or institute lie-detector tests on each and every fucking "suspect".
First of all, I've never advocated that we go out now and "round them up". I'm not advocating policy -- I'm pushing the meme, doing my part to change the prevailing view. All action begins with an idea. We will never get around to deporting all Muslims, or we may not get around to it in time to save our civilization, if we don't change our minds first. And we -- our societies collectively -- won't change our minds, if somebody among us doesn't push the idea. So I'm pushing the meme in the sense and context of the war of ideas -- not in the sense of policy. I'm neither qualified nor able to advocate policy. The people in a general sense in a society are the cultural mass that can have effect on the decision-makers over time. With regard to the problem of Islam, that should be the main function of the Counter-Jihad: to help galvanize a great awakening among the people so that they, in turn, can affect our various representatives who, in democratic cultures, are at least to some degree responsive to the will of the people. (Of course, I'm not articulating all this to "Anonymous" as though his dense bag-of-rocks brain is capable of absorbing my argument; I'm only setting the record straight here.)
Hi Richard James,
ReplyDeleteMorgan is a paid disinformation agent such as described in the genius article below:
Morgan purposely 'misses' the point which is that the Muslims are here to 'educate' Westerners about Islam which is a governance system that requires ALL people to be abjectly submissive to pure evil in personal and public spheres.
The beheading of the priest was a symbolic act of the dominance of evil over good - dominance of Satanic Allah over God. It was a symbolic act as a literal black mass of evil overcoming a good Christian mass. It was a symbolic act that portrayed young Islamic warriors overcoming old Christian crusaders (defenders). It was a symbolic act to cause people to fear attending mass with the fully intended results that fearful Christian churches will pay a protection tax to Muslims and/or empty Christian churches will be converted into mosques (weapons depots) for the benefit of conquering Muslim invaders' ease of rule.
The problem with white Western countries absorbing and 'educating' Muslims is that 'moderate' Muslims actively plan to simply bide their time until their demographic gives them 'democratic' dominance, and then Muslims will vote for and implement Sharia Law as a done deal.
'Educating' Muslims simply gives Muslims more and better tools to supplant and rule over white Western non-Muslims. For example, Muslims learn Western languages to rule white Western non-Muslims, but Muslims can communicate in Arabic without the average white Western non-Muslims being able to understand what is being said (with exceptions where Jews have learned Arabic).
Rather than being cowards, Jihadis are sinners.
Thanks Richard James for your comment to Joe Blow/Philip Jihadski, and well put. I would only add that Planet Jihad Watch is not totally bereft of intelligent life. Once in a blue moon of Jupiter I am surprised, and refreshed by what someone there contributes. One problem (among many) about the Rabbit Pack is that they sometimes intimidate good contributors -- such as one "Peggy" who was savagely browbeaten and threatened by Joe Blow/Philip Jihadski a little over one year ago -- and more recently, Angemon was pestering her with his obsession for being a deputized policeman in the comments threads.
ReplyDeleteAfter about four times of Angemon sticking his rabbit nose in her business, Peggy finally posted:
"I will comment on any article I want to and say what I think.
If that bothers you, tough luck. I don’t have to explain myself to you or answer in any particular way that pleases you.
If you don’t like what I say then either ignore it or keep frothing at the mouth."
For the Philip Jihadski treatment of Peggy and another commenter who seems like a decent guy, "Ernie" see this:
You will note a curious phenomenon on reading that long comments thread attached to an article about the Boston Marathon: even though Philip Jihadski is nowhere to be found, all sorts of people (especially Peggy and Ernie) are mentioning him and responding to him! Apparently Spencer's tech genius, "marc", saw fit to delete all of Philip Jihadski's posts, because they were that inflammatory (his Anger Management issues again...). But if any readers go to that link, pay special attention to the posts of Peggy and Ernie; then the full unseemly nature of the high-school-clique-cum-lynch-party, the Rabbit Pack, becomes clear (e.g., how the other members give Philip Jihadski a free pass and actually have the temerity to suspect and even berate Peggy and Ernie, the victims of his bullying tactics).
Also note in that comments thread one of my favorite comments -- by moi (as "voegelinian") -- to Mirren, one of the snootier, snottier of the Rabbit Pack. A very short, to the point, comment, after I'd had it longer than I could take.
Jihad Watch is controlled opposition - seemingly financed in some unknown amount by 'avowed Zionist' and 'reformed' communist heir apparent David Horowitz.
ReplyDeleteJewish people are overwhelmingly in favor of uncontrolled non-white non-Christian immigration into the West.
Hesp, you can continue to point out the obvious, but you need to understand the motivations and avoid being emotionally involved.
Jihad Watch is literally tasked to identify, track, frustrate, and stymie meaningful change with regard to Western attitudes and policy regarding Muslim deportation - because, as in the past in Spain, Muslim deportation might logically lead to Jewish deportation.
Egghead: With regard to Spain, the Spanish Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, first expelled those Jews who had pretended to be converts to Christianity, recognising that they were the 'enemy within' and fully aware also that Jews had treacherously opened the gates, literally, of several major Spanish cities and towns to Moslem conquerors centuries before and had served as the Moslems' gauleiters during the Moslem rule over the Spanish in their own land. The Spanish did not expel those Jews who had remained as openly Jewish. After they had dealt with the Jewish traitors, then they finished off the Moslem presence. When one considers the Jewish role, a primary one, in arranging legislation in several European countries (including Great Britain) which instituted the concepts of 'hate speech' (lashan hora in Judaism), and 'race relations', and how they are intent upon making 'anti-semitism' a crime (thus effectively silencing any criticism of their policies, strategies and conduct), one can appreciate the common sense approach of dealing with such an insidious enemy first and then turning one's attention to the more openly militant, but easily defeatable (in military terms) opponent of Moslems.