Monday, October 17, 2016

Drumroll please....

I've tried to keep my blogroll relatively short, to cut down on the eyes-glazed-over factor, particularly in the ongoing, still ill-organized, if not for some bewildering, situation in the so-called Counter-Jihad Movement (such as it is) of TMI about TMI (too much information about too much Islam).

But when a blog comes along that's as good as Refugee Resettlement Watch, I feel compelled to do my small part in broadcasting its useful work.

Created and managed by Ann Corcoran, an ordinary American citizen, it documents various aspects of a process undertaken by the U.S. government and affiliated partners to bring Muslims by the thousands into America, over the years -- oftentimes without the knowledge or consent of local communities, and oftentimes in smaller rural areas.

As Ann Corcoran writes on the site's About page:

Eight years ago it came to our attention in Washington County MD that a non-profit group (Virginia Council of Churches) had been bringing refugees into the city of Hagerstown (county seat) for a couple of years. Some problems arose and citizens started to take an interest and ask questions about how this federal program works. Our local paper had no interest in finding the facts, so we decided to find them ourselves.

Notice, by the way, what group was bringing Muslims into the community: Not the Jews, not Dastardly Leftists or Communists: Rather, the Virginia Council of Churches, an organization of multiple Christian denominations founded in Virginia in 1944.  That's how broadly and deeply PC MC goes.  PC MC is not only, nor even mainly, an imposition from without; it's more importantly an organic psychological & cultural growth from within.


  1. Wiki leaks recently released the smoking gun of Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta actively coordinating various anti-Christian activities.

    A lot of Christian church groups and leaders have been subverted by Jewish money - and other groups that pretend to be Christian have been started and supported by Jewish money.

    As I understand it, Podesta, Newman and Soros are Jewish.





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