Monday, October 24, 2016

St. Francis of Assissi, and Pope Francis of Hashashin...

This past week, the Mohammedan carnage in Nigeria continues apace:

"Nigeria: Muslims murder over 40 Christians, burn down their houses"

This carnage has been going on for years.

This week's story from the Morning Star News, on which Jihad Watch reported, adds more disturbing details:

The Rev. Thomas Akut of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) Good News Church in Godogodo said the assailants burned houses and shot Christians dead in the attack over the weekend.

The 41-year-old Pastor Akut and his family escaped harm, sleeping on the ground outside town until Sunday morning (Oct. 16), when they made their way to Kafanchan, he told Morning Star News by phone.

“We fled into the bushes, and some of us escaped to safer areas,” he said. “The attackers were in the hundreds and were well armed. Some of them wore army uniforms, while others wore police uniforms. Some of them exchanged gunfire with the few soldiers stationed at the post office in the town, while others burned down houses of Christians.”

Solomon Musa, an attorney and president of the Southern Kaduna People’s Union (SOKAPU), said at a press conference on Monday (Oct. 17) ...:

“The savagery and barbarity of the attack is beyond belief,” Musa said. “Yet, governments at the federal and state levels appear quiet and noncommittal. We have been abandoned, deserted and neglected.”

In addition to homes burned by the marauding Muslims, 16 church buildings were damaged in the terror attack:

The damaged buildings belonged to ... St. Simeon Anglican Church, Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN), Deeper Life Bible Church, Grace of God Church, Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Assemblies of God Church, ECWA I & II, ECWA Good News, ECWA Kibam, Lord’s Chosen Church, Methodist Church of Nigeria, Nasara Baptist Church, Christ Apostolic Church, and Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Oh, and one other church building was damaged by the terrorizing Muslims:  St. Francis Catholic Church.

Recently, Raymond Ibrahim, a fairly solid member of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream, published an article comparing Pope Francis I with his namesake, the original St. Francis of Assissi: Pope Francis vs. Saint Francis on Islam.  He found that while the original St. Francis did have a naive expectation that debating Muslims in order to convert them to Christianity was a useful endeavor (as do, I suspect, Raymond Ibrahim himself, Robert Spencer, David Wood, Sam Shamoun, Nabeel Qureshi, Jonathan McLatchie, et al. -- all Christian Wilsonianists), nevertheless St. Francis was not naive about the overall danger of Mohammedans, and he actually supported military Crusades against them in order to help Christians who were being massacred and oppressed by Muslims in the Holy Land and environs.

Pastor Thomas Akut was able to say what his own Pope is too cowardly to say:

“This is a jihad,” he said. “It is an Islamic holy war against Christians in the southern part of Kaduna state.”

Has the Pope said anything about the carnage, about the genocide against Christians by Muslims in our time -- not only in Nigeria, but throughout Islam-infected Africa, the Middle East, and central Asia (think of Pakistan, where Christians are horribly persecuted by Muslims)?  No.  Instead, he lectures the West on its bigotry and Islamophobia; and as a symbolic gesture of this, he washes the feet of Muslims.

Shame on Pope Francis I, and on the Catholics who see no problem with him abandoning his flock to the Mohammedan wolves.

Further Reading:

Saint Leonella

Jihad Watch reports on St. Francis and Islam

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