Wednesday, February 21, 2024

That's the way it crumbles -- cookie-wise, that is

All righty then.

One thing I've noticed about previous installments in this oddball series of mine is my tendency to feel the need to elaborately explain the situation and how I got here.  I will do my best to avoid that temptation and simply refer my 17.5 readers (ambitiously overestimating) to previous postings -- for example, the preceding one from last year, February 21, 2023, begins with a fairly thorough way for readers to catch up on the back story.  In the nick of time I also found a good pic (see backstory here).

Even that ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 seems unnecessarily encumbering; but, what the hey...  Let us forge ahead.

* * * * *

Every anniversary, it seems another "Narrative" has erupted for us to digest, with its ensuing dyspeptic nausea for us to analyze.  Last time, it was Ukraine.  This time it's Israel/Gaza.  Also brewing on the horizon is an incipient panic about another "World War" (with a subset being another "Civil War" in America) -- a panic whose object is as real as "Covid" was -- and apparently linked to Israel/Gaza expanding throughout the Middle East, centrally involving "Iran".

A related theme that has slowly crystallized in the ongoing Fog of the War of Ideas is my Tribe more and more showing signs of faulty reasoning and erroneous conclusions -- in diverse ways & styles, depending on the person or pundit.

Then that ol' monkey wrench continues to be an amazingly resilient factor: Trump.  As I'm averse to the future tense when it comes to sociopolitical meditations, we'll have to wait for my next annual installment in 2025 to "digest" that.

This new Narrative has left an interesting wake, as the months unfold from October 7 -- indeed, the phrase "October 7" trips from lips as fraught with glib anxiety as did 911 for years after that catastrophe.  The most interesting phenomenon has been a split among the Left.  When we remind ourselves that the Mainstream throughout the West is dominated by the Left, and that the Cabal is in the process of capturing the Mainstream in order to leverage its long-term project of subverting the West in order to replace her with a totalitarian New World Order, we realize how important such a split may be.  Basically, it seems as the smoke clears (a difficult prospect if Israel keeps bombing civilians and their habitats to smithereens) that the Mainstream Left is more or less maintaining a pro-Israel stance, while the Fringe Left is standing with the Gazans/Palestinians (and by extension, Muslims).  This Fringe Left is basically the Rashida Tlaib/AOC/Ilhan Omar/Bernie Sanders/BLM/Antifa Left, with darker roots in Angela Davis, Weather Underground, and other roots of Obama -- a subculture that has been for decades nursing a grudge & grievance against America and the entire West for their "imperialism", "fascism", "racism", "patriarchy", and so forth; and with clear, albeit complicated to clarify, connections with the deeper broader plan of Communists to subvert the West over the past 100 years (or more).

Whew!  That was a mouthful!  Allow me to catch my breath and gulp down a shot of rye (so to speak) before proceeding...

The analysis above arouses the question, what does this portend for our ongoing palpation of the Cabal and its ongoing project (see the previous two annual postings for more on "the Cabal")?  It seems to reflect the relative weakness of the Cabal -- insofar as it depends upon the Left (the dominant managers of the Western Mainstream) to be a reliably coherent force without serious internal rifts.  (Of course, the more radical, and often therefore more irrational, conspiracy theorists would try to posit that any internal divisions in the Cabal's minions are just part of their diabolical psy-op theater -- a position that smells ad hoc.)  Other than that, I'm not sure what it means for the future, near or far.

Another phenomenon in this regard I've noticed is a split in the Alt-Sphere, where the split seems similarly disproportionate:  about 80% pro-Israel, and 20% pro-Gaza -- with that 80% comprising the vast majority of the "A-lister" celebrity pundits (Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray, James Lindsay, Chaya Raichik, Ben Shapiro, et al.).  Again, I'm not sure why this is.  I'd guess it reflects a conventional tendency (affecting Mainstreamers and Alt-People alike) to be anxiously pro-Jew, at the very least walking on eggshells lest they be accused of the original Western Thought Crime, "anti-Semitism", and progressively worse from there, actively pro-Jewish sentiments & policies.  This tendency seems to have reigned nearly supreme throughout the West for the last 75 odd years, since the Holocaust; and one can see in the Alt-Sphere these senior elite pundits insinuating (when not boldly proclaiming) that anyone who has problems with the Israeli military mass-killing men, women and children and destroying their city may be a "Nazi".

This tendency in the Alt-Sphere also reflects a rather startling predilection to trust and follow the Mainstream, since the Mainstream is mainly pro-Israel, and it's from their sources that the Gaza jihad was framed (including evidently crucial details of ghoulish components -- "beheading 40 babies", "cooking a baby in an oven", "raping and parading women around", "playing with decapitated heads" and so forth -- none of them adequately verified).  Apparently these Alt-Folks allow, most likely semi-consciously, their anxiety to avoid anti-Semitism to override their hard-won skepticism & suspicion of the Mainstream and its Narratives. 

However, let us also remember another curious wrinkle to this puzzle: the Mainstream for decades prior to October 7 was tilting anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian.

Another phenomenon I've noticed -- with the caveat that I haven't made an empirical study of this, it's just my impression:  the Frick-and-Frack thought crimes of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia seem to be tolerated in various places of social media more than ever before -- reflecting the Israel-Gaza fallout, no doubt.  Guardedly, I think that's a good sign, in the spirit of free thought & speech; though with the quality of that speech in social media, it more often than not degenerates into less than useful noise.

* * * * *

I look forward to my next annual posting -- if Trump wins.  In that glorious eventuality, I will definitely find a celebratory pic rather than yet another one among a gallery of faces expressing various forms of cool, gritty jaundice looking forward with steely pessimism to a grim dystopia.

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