Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Three Rude Shocks

There will most likely come three rude shocks in the not too distant future, and they will hit in the following order:

1. The shock of Jihad Watchers as they realize just how deeply and broadly mainstream PC Multiculturalism is in their Western societies, including millions of ordinary people, not merely “elites”.

2. The shock of the dominant PC Multiculturalists, as they realize how dangerously evil Islam is, and how dangerously evil the vast majority of Muslims are.

3. The shock of the vast majority of Muslims, as they realize they are finally losing and their entire global cultural apparatus is falling like a house of cards.

Now, let us not fixate on shock #3 in order to make ourselves feel prematurely good. A lot of shit will most likely have to happen before we will begin to be able to finally enjoy the full fruits of shock #3.

1) First of all, there is #1: The small minority of Jihad Watchers (those who “get it” that the problem of dangerous Muslims has its source in the essence and history of Islam itself) will, to their collective dismay, slowly realize, as the Islamic shit hits the fan in the (hopefully not too) near future, what they have been stubbornly denying all this time: that the vast majority of their fellow Western citizens—and not merely some sinister and/or soulless cabal of “elites”—are profoundly infected by the PC Multiculturalist virus, which means, in a nutshell, that this vast majority is stuck in a paradigm that makes them think that Islam and the vast majority of Muslims are harmless.

How this will concretely play itself out will be subject to variation here and there, but it will very likely involve tragically wrong responses, or tragic failures to respond appropriately, to future problems, as well as to outright and quite possibly horrific attacks, arising from the Islamic orbit. And the Jihad Watchers will finally see that the blame for these tragic responses and non-responses can no longer be laid solely on the shoulders of some dastardly and/or stupid “elites”, but also on the shoulders of vast swathes of ordinary Western Infidels just like them: friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and recognizably compatriot strangers—all so infected with the PC Multiculturalist virus that it proved to incapacitate them for the unique Problem of Islam as its ugly kinesis finally began to unfold.

2) At some point after shock #1, the vast majority of PC Multiculturalists will no longer be able to hold their paradigm together—the paradigm that made them think that Islam and the vast majority of Muslims must be harmless, and that any challenge to this paradigm must be “bigotry”, “racism”, and “Islamophobia”. What will finally shake them out of their paradigm—or what will finally cause the paradigm to collapse—will be a sufficient threshhold of horrific acts perpetrated by Muslims, and this threshhold will likely have to involve a sufficient degree of four qualities:

a) global dispersal

b) demonstrably widespread sociological dispersal among Muslim peoples, no longer delimitable as a “minority of extremists”

c) horrific results in mass deaths and damage to property

d) demonstrable motivation in Islamic tenets themselves, no longer divertable into non-religious explanations such as economic and political “grievances”.

Shock #2 may take a long time to fully blossom, with tragically unfortunate consequences for the irrationally laggard learning curve of so many millions of Westerners mentally crippled by PC Multiculturalism.

3) At some point, after shock #2 has begun to blossom and rationality has finally been recovered in the West, measures will be taken which will, at that point, quite easily deal with the Problem of Islam—since, once the irrational paradigm of PC Multiculturalism is no longer obstructing us, we can use our 21st-century advantages in technology and intelligence against those millions of Muslims who are still largely beholden to an inferior epoch of yore.


The ultimately beneficent fruits of #3 will bring in their train much terrible, tragic bitterness, mostly because of the stubborn myopia and irrationality of our millions of PC Multiculturalists in the West.

The secondary blame for that sad bitterness of our eventual victory must be laid on the shoulders of those Jihad Watchers who had their own irrational myopia, laboring under the delusion that all their fellow Western citizens must think like them—for, had the Jihad Watchers not been guilty of such myopia, they might have been able to foreshorten the perilous sluggishness of the majority of PC Multiculturalists, a sluggishness that will most likely result in the tragedy of many more deaths and many more injuries that could have been otherwise avoided.

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