Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Reminder to My Readers

This is a reproduction of a memo I wrote many moons ago, when I first started this blog.

The purpose of this memo is to let the readers know that my blog is not meant to be a rigorously informative site where I will be providing copious links and footnotes to my various assertions.

For one thing, the Net is a vast reservoir of information, and the reader, with some worthwhile diligence on his or her own, can readily determine if some point I make is, or is not backed up by the facts.

More importantly, I have created this blog in order to have an opportunity to write essays that are more meditative in nature and that rest upon years of study but do not belabor the nitty-gritty of statistics and data. The Hesperado is my space to do a little hang-gliding over the issues, and ponder them from a more leisurely and airy perspective—a respite from the countless hours I’ve lucubrated on solid ground over the years. It is meant to stimulate thought—in productive assent as well as in constructive criticism—and perhaps also to provoke reasonable action upon the issues it raises: nothing more, and nothing less.

I hope this style works for the reader. It certainly seems to be working for me, in helping me unfold certain ideas more liberally.

P.S.: For any readers wishing to contact me, my email address is:

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