Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Psychoanalyzing PC MC

As addled as the PC MCs are, they are not always bereft of logic -- there is, as it were, a method to their madness. In terms of the problem of Islam, there is a simple logic, or psycho-logic, at work in how the PC MC mind deals with it:

1) The vast majority of Muslims are good people whom we must respect, and furthermore must protect from our own white Western tendency toward bigotry, prejudice and mistreatment

2) By extension, the Islam they follow is good and must be respected by us, and protected from our own white Western tendency toward bigotry, prejudice and mistreatment

3) A tiny minority of Muslims are extremists who are trying to twist and hijack Islam to suit their ends.

3a) A significant proportion of that tiny minority of Muslim extremists are behaving in extremist ways in understandable reaction against Western policies of "meddling" in their lands, as well as in understandable reaction against our white Western tendency toward bigory and prejudice against them as an Ethnic People (with the occasional white Muslim among them being christened as an "Honorary Brown").

4) Now, when a Robert Spencer, for example, focuses and harps on what this tiny minority of extremists believe and how they act on their beliefs, he is tending to blur the Line we are trying to maintain between that tiny minority and the vast majority of Good Muslims: Spencer is tending to imply that many more Muslims outside that tiny minority are extremist, and we cannot have that. We must maintain that tiny minority strictly, and not allow the hard and fast Line that protects them from being extremist to erode. If that Line begins to erode, that would mean that the problem is much larger than we thought, and we cannot have that. It would mean we would have to become suspicious of, if not hostile against, millions of Brown People. And then we white Western Racists would be forced to come out of the closet and start going down the slippery slope that leads inexorably from mistreating Muslims, to rounding them up, putting them in camps, cleansing them ethnically -- and finally, at that point unavoidably, genocide. In order to prevent another Holocaust -- this time against the New Jew, the Muslim -- we must maintain a firm stand at the Line that forever separates that tiny minority of extremist who has nothing really to do with Islam, from the vast majority of Good Muslims who in our minds prove that Islam is sugar and Oriental spice and everything nice.

Ironically, a long-time Jihad Watch commenter, upon reading what I wrote above (for I just copy-pasted it verbatim from a comment I posted in a Jihad Watch comments thread about three years ago), revealed that he himself had some residues of the PC MC virus in his own nervous system, as it were, when he anxiously wondered:

You have said something profound here, and it's something I've been grappling with for awhile now, and especially in arguments with my left-leaning (and well-meaning friends.

You wrote: "It would mean we would have to become suspicious of, if not hostile against, millions of Brown People. And then we white Western Racists would be forced to come out of the closet and start going down the slippery slope that leads inexorably from mistreating Muslims, to rounding them up, putting them in camps, cleansing them ethnically -- and finally, at that point unavoidably, genocide."

Now, genocide is something I am not in favor of; I mean, we would be no better than the jihadists were that to happen. So, my question(s) in all seriousness is this: how do we not go down that slope or is it inevitable? Does our opposition to Islamic supremacy and jihadism mean that many, many Muslims MUST be mistreated and killed? 

Indeed, as I have noted before, probably all of us -- myself included -- have some PC MC in our systems, to one degree or another.  The goal, needless to say, is to try to minimize its amount sufficiently so that it doesn't get in the way of what we must do rationally to ensure the safety of our societies from the depradations of Mohammedans.

In response to the above query, I wrote:

There is no danger of us going down that slippery slope. It's a deluded lie perpetrated by Leftists and the PC MC. I was explicating their twisted logic, not the actual likely scenario of the real West that is good and doesn't do genocide -- that in fact consistently has stopped, or tried to stop, genocide and other geopolitical crimes. They are irrationally afraid of their own West mistreating Muslims, because deep down they hate their own West and think it has evil proclivities. They might have a point if Hitler had won WW2, but they don't seem to notice that in fact the enemies of Hitler won WW2. The West shut down Hitler. On the other hand, it would be silly to think we will be able to manage the problem of such a deadly and fanatical enemy as Muslims without breaking a few eggs in the decades to come, just as we had to bomb the shit out of Hitler and the religiously fanatical followers of the God-Emperor of Japan, in fact.

"To start; it seems obvious to me that there are many Muslims who, for whatever combination of reasons, are not trying to kill us and impose Sharia"

Yes, it seems that way, since all of them are not exploding and shooting and beheading. But the problem is, a) the ones who aren't are enabling the ones who are in a variety of ways; and b) we cannot tell the difference with sufficient reliability between the harmless Muslims and the dangerous Muslims. Just look at the story a couple of articles above this one, about the British Muslims who turned out to be terrorists, yet their neighbors were shocked because they seemed to be nice polite Muslims. That story has been duplicated a thousand times over the years. The risks are too high -- particularly with the prospect of fanatics acquiring WMDs of one flavor or another (biological, chemical, radiological) -- to bet our safety on the mere appearance of niceness on the part of any given Muslims. The only rational way to proceed is to suspect all Muslims of equal deadliness to us.
The optimal way to manage this problem, in my view, is to deport all Muslims to the Dar-al-Islam, then militarily enforce that they remain there.

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