Monday, January 14, 2013

Good Mo/Bad Mo

 Saw a wire post earlier so thought I'd do the same. Which duo would you  rather have for an interrogation? : r/betterCallSaul

As Bart Simpson -- in one particular The Simpsons episode where he was looking at the cover of a Where's Waldo? comic in which the eponymous character supposed to be hidden was drawn out in the open clearly waving at the reader -- said: "Man, they're not even trying anymore!" 

I.e., the Good Cop/Bad Cop ploy employed by Muslims has crossed the line from being blatant to being ludicrously transparent. Now, it's practically analogous to one cop walking into the interrogation room to badger the suspect and slap him around; then leaving the room, and merely putting on a funny nose-&-glasses disguise and walking back in to pretend to be a different cop, a sympathetic mild-mannered detective who will treat him with kid gloves. 

And, of course, our fellow Western idiots continue to be the dupe who believes that one cop is actually two different cops not in cahoots with each other. 

Indeed, we are increasingly seeing the bifurcation of the Good Cop into two types, one who affects to deny there is any problem at all with Islam, and the other who slyly yields a few crumbs our way while continuing to defend Islam and the VMOM (Vast Majority of Muslims) -- a meme reinforced, as we all should know by now, by its necessary adjunct, the TMOEWATHTGROP (Tiny Minority of Extremists Who Are Trying to Hijack The Great Religion of Peace).

An example of this is a Muslim spinmeister I hadn't heard of before, one Tahir Aslam Gora, accorded a respectful soapbox on the Leftervative blog Huffington Post, as reported on Jihad Watch.  As I wrote recently about his "Better Cop" act:

The reason HuffPo likes this Muslim writer, Gora, is because he is representing and spinning the Good Cop line in a seemingly more convincing way.

There are two types of Good Cop: the CAIR type, who denies there is any bad jihad and who claims Islamophobia is the real problem. Perhaps some PC MCs, like some at HuffPo, are beginning to feel a little itchy about such counter-factual fantasy.

To help out, however, there is the cleverer, slier type of Good Cop, who gives us a little more of his fishing line by admitting there are "some problems" but that, as Gora says with such a glibly sweeping stroke of his broad brush:

"...the fact that over 90 per cent of Muslims are not associated with any Islamic organisation or mosque and visit it no more than once or twice a year. That alone should make America skeptical of Islamist groups like CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and MSA."

Ah, we can breathe a sigh of relief again; an intelligent Muslim concerned about the problems of Islam has reassured us that the vast majority of Muslims are not problematic, and that it's only a Tiny Minority of Extremists. (Never mind that Gora is likely consanguineous with that supposedly tiny minority.)

It's almost as though the increasingly preposterous Good Cop/Bad Cop ploy is beginning to crack under the strain of its untenability; and so now we have one set of Good Cops, slightly more plausible-seeming like Gora, acting as the Good Cops in contrast to the other Good Cops like CAIR. Ingenious!

The PC MCs at HuffPo are gullible enough to get hooked by this bait; I would hope, though, that no Jihad Watch regulars (let alone anyone who thinks of themselves as being in the Counter-Jihad) are.


I was heartened to see that the Jihad Watch regulars weren't swallowing Gora's tripe.  One irregular newbie (self-righteously nicknamed "Free Thinker"), however, did attempt to go in to the comments thread to defend Gora as an exemplar of the Great Brown Hope (i.e., a Muslim whose ostensible, incremental moderation will help save us from Islam); but a regular, David Dowse, effectively tore him a new one (though, alas, that only gave "Free Thinker" another orifice from which to spew more of his Leftist diarrhea).


Traeh said...

Hesperado, excellent post.

On another subject, I just sent you an email. -- traeh

Hesperado said...

Thanks traeh. I saw your email and sent you a reply.

Hesperado said...

Yes Egghead. Such wildly sweeping statements are pronounced all the time and the mainstream doesn't challenge them -- following the principle of "if you say something bad about Islam, you need to prove it; but if you say anything good, no matter how generalizing, it's fine."