I don't know why I was so touched by one other particular event, back in September of 2006, when an elderly Catholic nun (an Italian named Leonella Sgorbati -- about whom I had written on my blog a tribute titled Saint Leonella) who had spent her life helping poor children in Somalia was shot in the back three times by two Muslims who had taken to heart the murderous Friday sermon they had heard only days before, when a prominent Islamic cleric at the main mosque of Mogadishu preached:
Sunday, February 03, 2013
Of Mice and Monsignors
I don't know why I was so touched by one other particular event, back in September of 2006, when an elderly Catholic nun (an Italian named Leonella Sgorbati -- about whom I had written on my blog a tribute titled Saint Leonella) who had spent her life helping poor children in Somalia was shot in the back three times by two Muslims who had taken to heart the murderous Friday sermon they had heard only days before, when a prominent Islamic cleric at the main mosque of Mogadishu preached:
- Anonymous said...
Yes! I was just talking about this problem with my mother today. The local Catholic school has outreach with the local Muslims where the Catholic school sends the Catholic school students to the local mosque as a part of their world religions class. The girls are required to wear skirts and head coverings, and all of the good young dawah receivers are to remove their shoes upon entering the mosque.
How ironic that the Catholic church with all of its problems with homosexual molesters is now introducing the Catholic school children to the largest - and cruelest - set of organized and accepted child molesters in the world - all in the guise of better religious education.
Worse yet, the beautiful young Catholic school students are paraded before Muslims who might come back to claim them as war booty at some point. The jihadis at the local mosque are simply pre-shopping for infidel war booty. The local Muslims will know right where to find the beautiful young girls and boys when they want them....
One wonders if the Muslims send their children to outreach at a Catholic church during holy mass, and one rather doubts it....
Egghead -
February 3, 2013 at 6:54 PM
- Hesperado said...
Yes Egghead, such starry-eyed "open mindedness" seems rampant these days.
By the way, I like your moniker "Egghead". How did you come up with that? -
February 3, 2013 at 9:56 PM
- Anonymous said...
Thanks! I like Hesperado, too. :)
I have always loved the idea of being an egghead - or someone smart. :)
My icon used to be a photograph of a dandelion with its seeds blowing off - an egghead of a different and unexpected sort. -
February 3, 2013 at 10:12 PM
- Hesperado said...
Ah, cool...
February 4, 2013 at 12:16 PM
- Green Infidel said...
Unfortunately - "outreach" is prominent in the Catholic church at the moment. Not that it helps much... a PC (and Catholic) friend of mine still thinks the church is "Islamophobic" - just as much as he did before, in spite of all their outreach... And unfortunately, it will probably get worse. For Muslims love to be dealing with large institutions, where they can court the leaders with lavish gifts and sweet words, and those leaders can then condition their flock to think in the way they're "meant" to.
Still, here in Eastern Europe, I haven't yet heard anything about outreach. Instead - when a Nigerian priest came to talk at our local church, in no uncertain terms he mentioned the "Muslims" as being at the core of his country's problems. And not many listening would disagree... the Islamists and politically-correct will have their work cut out if they want to make any "outreach" programs here.
As for the Monsignor and Bishop in Worcester, I hear they wanted to avoid a media outcry. Well, they have one now... while it may be too much to hope that all the letters written will make them change their decision, it will make them aware that by placating one group of people, they will be making angry another group. In short - you can't satisfy everyone at the same time... -
February 5, 2013 at 1:53 AM
Is this guy nuts, stupid or just morally vacant?
Yo! Skippy! Real, live, old fashioned Christian martyrdom is back BIG TIME. It's spreading like wild fire across the middle east, north Africa and has already gotten to Europe.
How about you raise a prayer for the oppressed instead of pretending that nothing is happening.
"Why risk that?" I'll tell you why. To honor the souls of the suffering. To stand up for the innocent.
To tell the truth. And to obey the basic principles of your faith -- assuming that you actually believe.
You claim to be a Catholic. One assumes you've at least heard of what it means for someone to die for their faith in Christ !!!!!
Man up or get lost.