Friday, May 13, 2016

"Doctor, I can only see the Left...!"

Image result for rooster cogburn

Robert Spencer continues to indulge in a see-Left-only analysis of the Problem of the Problem.  Editorially remarking upon the latest hay made from Trump's comment that his December 2015 moratorium on Muslim immigration was "only a suggestion", Spencer notes that his moratorium at the time and for months after, caused rampant vilification of Trump, and he goes on to say:

“In fact, this is why the Left has targeted his rallies and committed violence at them.”
However, it has not been just the Left. The entire Republican establishment has been attacking Trump and his supporters viciously for months, prior to that moratorium, and after. The best source for this relentless onslaught by the establishment Right against Trump is Diana West’s blog, which has catalogued and analyzed it over the months in all its grotesque & multifarious splendor.

Spencer goes on to add also that:

Poll after poll has shown that a huge number of Americans supports a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration — not because huge numbers of Americans are “racist,” as the Left feverishly imagines...

Again, it's not just the Left that has used the race card against Trump.  Stolid Republicans have done so as well.  One doesn't even need to consult Diana West on this (though one would be advised to if one still has the Spencerian astigmatism causing one to see only the Left on this).  The mainstream media has often reported this.  For example, the CNN website has two brief video reports, in which one sees, for example, not only that Paul Ryan, Republican House Speaker, said it was "not what this party stands for... not what this country stands for..." -- but also that the Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a conservative Baptist Christian from South Carolina, said in response to Trump's moratorium:

"He's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot."

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Further Reading:

Robert Spencer's "Leftist" label-gun: Imprecision of terms on the problem of the problem

Evidence demonstrating that mainstream conservative non-Elites are PC MC about Islam


  1. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a conservative Baptist Christian from South Carolina, said in response to Trump's moratorium:

    "He's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot."

    or "I can't refute Trump's argument so I'll assassinate his character".

    What you neatly abbreviate as PC MC is, as you say, a pathology infecting people from Left to Right. I personally know a few Leftists who understand the problems of Islam and the Muslim threat quite clearly while I know some Conservatives who buy fully into PC MC. It's merely that PC MC is more obvious and wide-spread on the Left.

    I like your comment somewhere on one of your blogs that you oppose Islam and the Muslim presence precisely because you are essentially a Liberal - I take it you mean a Liberal in the proper sense of the word not in the modern "tolerant of the murderously intolerant so long as they have brown skin and excuse their crimes with 'Allah told me to do it' ".

    Muslims remind me of demonic Oliver Hardys in the old comedies, in their case murdering, massacring, raping, enslaving, bombing, and then looking up over the blood-spatter to complain at us "Now look what you made me do!". Vicious ravening wolves in underdogs' clothing.

    I've been thinking about implications made by one of your harriers at Jihadwatch: that because you say Muslims must be removed, deported, expelled but you don't supply detailed plans, your harriers demand yo tell them how you propose to achieve that end, as removing them would be against the law.

    Ignoring that laws can be changed - believing that laws are forever and for all time is a Muslim stupidity not a Western one - it isn't anyway your responsibility to invent the plans to achieve that expulsion, the methods, the fine detail instantly and out of whole cloth, and expecting you to do so is just a cheap rhetorical trick.

    What I think you are trying to do is persuade enough people within the counter jihad movement that we need to accept the necessity of Muslim expulsion so that we can then work together to plan how best this can be done when the time is right.

  2. "What I think you are trying to do is persuade enough people within the counter jihad movement that we need to accept the necessity of Muslim expulsion so that we can then work together to plan how best this can be done when the time is right."

    Yes, and beyond that -- as I see the Counter-Jihad to be a growing nucleus inside the West whose principal activity is to wake up the West -- to help move and re-orient the West to wake up to the actual dimensions of the problem sooner, rather than later (or too late). I see total deportation as the conclusion the West will logically reach, just because of the nature of the problem of Muslims. The only question is whether the West will see that in time to do it (however messy, costly and bloody it will be), or only at the point it's too late to save ourselves. As long as even the Counter-Jihad seems to have reflexes to recoil from the prospect, that tends to make me pessimistic about a good end to this overall -- since if the Counter-Jihad seems slow to wake up, the larger West will necessarily be even slower.


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