In a recent story out of the UK, a British couple, John Letts and Sally Lane (who look as white and British as Devonshire cream & scones) -- parents of the infamous "Jihadi Jack" who joined ISIS -- have been, according to a BBC report, "remanded in custody after being charged with terrorism offences". We know their complicity must be serious, by the mere fact that a government as thoroughly besotted by PC MC, such as the UK, would take their case this far.
My focus today is not on that story; but rather on the Counter-Jihad Mainstream (or one small but important window on it, the community of commenters at Jihad Watch comments).
The comments got off to a bang when one commenter whose name I've seen quite a few times, though I'm not sure she's a regular per se, vociferated in all caps that this British couple should be deported:
This family was English, Vivienne–at least until they converted to Islam and rejected all British values, anyway.
I just had a thought. If, after conversion to Islam, a person
denounces his/her status as a citizen of their birth country, couldn’t
they be deported? I mean, if they get to court and say I am Muslim first
British second, wouldn’t it make sense to have a Law that allows for
deportation? Isn’t there some classification of expat that is on the
books already? Couldn’t the Court use this to remove citizenship? Just
What is the ‘RACE’ of Islam again?
I keep forgetting? Did you say ‘Anglo-Saxon’?
“If you criticize Islam, you are a … racist … hmmm … let’s rethink that slogan.” -
Mortimer, Islam/Muslim is not a race to WE THE PEOPLE but it is an ideology to MUSLIMS that link them to one Ummah. I know you know this. THEY consider themselves to be a Sect of people separate from all others. So deport them on the grounds of treason to their country of origin and back to a country that supports that Ummah.
And what ho! Another commenter -- one "Nigel GFF" (not a regular, as far as I can tell) -- weighed in at that point with a refreshing blast of common sense! Is Angemon of the Rabbit Pack asleep at the switch? Where's the friend of gravenimage and the rest of the Rabbit Pack, "joe blow"? Banned again for brutally threatening other commenters with physical violence and publishing their personal information he probably got through his high-level government job where he gets paid to help Muslims in various Islamic countries like Libya, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, et al...?
“In law, sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order.” (UK).
I’ve never heard of this charge being laid against anyone in our digital age, but hey, who knows, perhaps the money could point this way. ‘Follow the money’.
All muslims, in my humble opinion, should be charged with seditious intent, at the very least. And then booted out.
Here is QEII dressed in Islamic green for her 90th birthday celebrations.
Image is everything.
This is Philip Jihadski, also known as "joe blow" on JWatch. You said:
"Banned again for brutally threatening other commenters with physical violence and publishing their personal information he probably got through his high-level government job where he gets paid to help Muslims in various Islamic countries like Libya, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, et al...?"
I'll tell you this once, and once only. Shut the fuck up about me with your lies. I post on JWatch right now. YOU ARE BANNED. I do not work for any government, nor am I in a "high-level government job". I am simply a teacher. You know this and you have known it for years. The fact that you insist on telling lies about me, says more about your insanity than it could ever say about me. You know NOTHING about me, you slimy little prick.
Now stop with the bullshit, or I will hound you on this site and once and for all, destroy every last shred of credibility you may have once had, Donkey.
Philip Jihadski (aka "joe blow") displays his denseness yet again.
ReplyDeleteHe wrote, first quoting me --
"Banned again for brutally threatening other commenters with physical violence and publishing their personal information he probably got through his high-level government job where he gets paid to help Muslims in various Islamic countries like Libya, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, et al...?"
-- then stammered, face beet-red with ill-managed fury:
I'll tell you this once, and once only. Shut the fuck up about me with your lies.
He didn't notice my question mark, I guess. In addition, he seems to be doing some kitman (perhaps he picked that up from all the Muslim students he has been helping in far-flung Islamic countries?) -- whereby he is accurately correcting the impression that he has been banned now, as "joe blow", but not directly denying that he was banned from Jihad Watch comments in former times, under former nicknames.
I do not work for any government, nor am I in a "high-level government job". I am simply a teacher.
Wow, a teacher who goes to Saudi Arabia, Libya, Turkey, Syria, and Allah knows where else in the Hell-on-Earth of the Dar-al-Islam. That's some teaching job!
You know this and you have known it for years.
How would "joe blow" know that I know this?
The fact that you insist on telling lies about me...
The mark of an intellectually illiterate boor, constantly misusing the word "lies" -- wow, what a teacher!
...says more about your insanity than it could ever say about me. You know NOTHING about me, you slimy little prick. Now stop with the bullshit, or I will hound you on this site and once and for all, destroy every last shred of credibility you may have once had, Donkey.
What a "great man of integrity"! (see the comments section of another essay of mine for more on this -- )
P.S.: Readers can see more of joe blow's genius in an ancillary essay I dashed off:
The obtuse blunderbuss, "joe blow", at Jihad Watch comments
The Russophobe angemon must be put in is place. And his group of graveimage, DFD, wellinton westcanadian must be too.