Sunday, June 19, 2016

The new totem pole

Well, it's not that new.  It's been de facto for about 15 years, since 911.

As Milo Yannopoulos put it in a recent video press conference in Orlando, Florida in the wake of the terror attack there:

"[The Left] creates a victimhood hierarchy, with Muslims at the top.  Well, the problem with putting Muslims at the top is that they want to kill everyone else on the list."

When I tried to express this concept in Jihad Watch comments a few times (with a refinement of Milo's "Leftists" into "PC MC"), I was pestered and attacked by a long-time Jihad Watch comments regular, "Angemon"; and no one else there, none of the other regulars (and certainly not the Jihad Watch comments "hall monitors", the "Rabbit Pack"), defended me.

Further Reading:

Lawrence Auster's First Law of Majority-Minority Relations, and Muslims

Kate Hopkins notices Auster's "First Law of Majority/Minority Relations"


  1. As we have already seen in several recent USA terrorist attacks, various alphabet agencies are going to actively incite - and materially support - 'born in the USA' Muslims to attack the USA in order to force a resolution of the 'to deport or not to deport 'born in the USA' citizens?' question.

    Note that commenter Milhouse declares that the USA cannot deport Omar Mateen's wife because she was born in the USA.

    This is a dual pronged attack by the Jewish and Jewish-funded American lawyer and judge full employment program.

    1. If the USA cannot deport 'born in the USA' Muslims: White Western Christians can look forward to funding infinite legal representation, trials, appeals, incarceration, and putative rehabilitation for 'born in the USA' Muslim criminals and terrorists - and social services programs for 'orphaned' Muslim children who visit parents in prisons stocked with imams ready to reinforce deviant Muslim 'standards' of behavior.

    2. If the USA can deport 'born in the USA' Muslims: Jewish and Jewish-funded lawyers and judges will make the legal argument that the USA can also deport 'born in the USA' white Western Christian criminals and terrorists - including those guilty of hate crimes including hate speech. Many Muslim countries would welcome deported Muslim criminals and terrorists as heroes, but what countries would 'accept' deported white Western Christians? Would those countries simply murder white Western Christians upon arrival?!

  2. Let's all take a moment to catch up with Jonathan Pollard. Read the Wiki first.

  3. Pamela Geller: 'If Israel really wanted to spy on the United States, it wouldn't use a Jewish guy.'

    Um, what about a Jewish gal?! Wink, wink!

  4. The Russophobe angemon must be put in is place. And his group of graveimage, DFD, wellinton westcanadian must be too.


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