Sunday, April 03, 2011

The single most important sentence in the report about the Muslim mobs who murdered UN workers

With regard to the Reuters news report on the mob of thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan, whipped up in part by clerics in Friday sermons to a murderous frenzy over the burning of a Koran in Florida, who mass-murdered at least 20 UN staff, beheading two of them, AP news mentions this telling detail:

The crowd overpowered the guards — who are instructed not to shoot into crowds of civilians, even if they are threatening...

1 comment:

Nobody said...

I once expressed glee in JW @ Israelis accidentally killing some UN border observers in Lebanon, and received a condemnation from Tom Haidon, the Muslim reformer extraordinaire. In this case, I can't say I'm sorry for the 20 UN workers killed, since they were from the UN!