My title refers to Huma Abedin, whom Wikipedia informs us was:
Deputy Chief of Staff for Hillary Clinton (while she was Secretary of State for Obama)... Prior to that she was traveling chief of staff and served as assistant for [Hillary] Clinton during her campaign for the Democratic nomination in the 2008 presidential election.
And now:
She... serves as vice chairwoman of Clinton's 2016 campaign for President.
A tiny nucleus of canaries in a coalmine -- Frank Gaffney and Michelle Bachmann, most notably, and their smattering supporters -- have for years now been trying inform the public on the Muslim Brotherhood connections of Huma Abedin and her Muslim family (her mother, brother and (deceased) father). The American (and more broadly, Western) Mainstream has been ignoring these warnings, when they have not been actively trying to demonize the messengers (most notably Gaffney and Bachmann, smeared and attacked by fellow Conservatives).
Let's take a look at a photo gallery of Hillary & Huma over the years, shall we? If a picture is worth a thousand words, we have enough to fill... a Koran:

And a guy can dream, can't he...?

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